Devastating R.I.P. video will make you mourn for Sydney's lost nightlife

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A video for Sydney’s not-so-vibrant nightlife hit the Internet on Thursday night with the emotional weight of an Oscar in-memoriam package.

In 2014 Sydney’s nightlife decided it was time for bed. Well, conservative and strict step-father figure, NSW Premier Mike Baird decided, much to the chagrin of a lot of the young people in the state.

Two years on and Sydney production company Shifted Pictures, purveyors of beautiful timelapse videography, has used its artistic talents to tug at our heart strings and to accentuate just how the once vibrant landscape of Sydney’s nightlife is as dead as a doornail.

The latest offering from the company, a piece entitled Closed Sydney, depicts the eerie stillness of the once lively city. The only movement onscreen is traffic whizzing past ghostly, empty buildings that once played host to many a fancy-free dance-off, a sneaky pash and shot-induced hazy memories.

Playing like the ‘In Loving Memory’ Read more…

More about Video, Timelapse, Australia, and Watercooler