Cultural Revolution propaganda posters encouraged patriotism and hygiene

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“Speed Up Agriculture Using Modern Machinery.”

Image: David Pollack/Corbis via Getty Images

Lasting roughly from 1966 to 1976, the Cultural Revolution was a period of enormous societal upheaval in China, as Communist Party leader Mao Zedong sought to restore ideological purity and a revolutionary spirit to the country.

The decade was marked by purges and power struggles at the upper echelons of government, and the mobilization of masses of young people to enforce Maoist thought.

One of the primary vessels for disseminating instructions and models of behavior was propaganda art. Vivid posters were created to inspire citizens to put forth their labor towards agriculture, industry and national defense, as well as concerns such as hygiene and family planning. Read more…

More about Cultural Revolution, Propaganda, History, China, and Retronaut