As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump makes a tasty doughnut

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If the thought of electing Donald Trump as U.S. president in 2016 is not particularly appetising, perhaps an edible version would be more to your liking?

Australian chain Doughnut Time has devised a sweet treat replica of the Republican candidate in celebration of July Fourth.

Behold the Trump doughnut dubbed “Hair Dependence Day.” It really looks like him.

The doughnut is filled with peanut butter and jelly, topped off with a fairy floss toupée. We think what they meant was, ahem, “real hair.”

The Trump doughnut is available across Australia Monday-only at the chain’s stores. Prepare for the thoroughly taxing queues that are part of the Doughnut Time experience. Read more…

More about Politics, Food, Doughnuts, Australia, and Donald Trump