Jumping shark caught on camera in an almost Sharknado situation

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Sharks are the perfect predator. They are fast, lithe, have heaps of teeth and sometimes, for fun, can propel themselves out of the ocean. 

Photographer and fisherman Jake Beazley, 19, discovered this unsettling fact first hand on Thursday when he spent a day fishing south of Perth, Australia.

Beazley and his friends had been fishing since sunrise roughly 12 nautical miles off the West Australian coast when they spotted the beast. “It was around lunchtime when I had myself a good fish on the end of the line,” Beazley told Mashable Australia. “My friend and my lines started getting twisted and after we untangled them, a shark swum up and took my fish.” Read more…

More about Fishing, Sharknado, Sharks, Australia, and Watercooler