6 apps to help you win summer

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Summer is already in high gear and that means it’s time for grilling, traveling and playing in the sun.

Even though the days are longer, you may still need a little help to maximize your time so you can make the most of your summer plans — whatever they may be.

Luckily, there are a raft of handy apps that can help.

Whether you plan to spend your summer traveling the world, chasing the sun or cooking up a storm, these apps will help you make the most of your warm weather plans. 


Think of GetMyBoat as an Airbnb for boats. The app helps you find boats you can rent at prices you may actually be able to afford. Boat owners list their crafts and users can request to rent them our for a few hours or a few days. The app has listings in more than 160 countries so whether you’re on vacation or staying home, you should be able to find something for your needs. Read more…

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