How to take care of yourself in the wake of traumatic shootings

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When we bear witness to tragic events from afar, whether it’s through social media or via cable news, it’s easy to forget self-care.

That’s especially relevant this week, with the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, and five Dallas police officers (with seven others wounded).

Outrage, grief and demands for change followed, due in large part to the fact that these three events were documented in a series of videos from bystanders and loved ones — and they spread quickly and widely across the internet. But while there’s little research on the mental health effects of seeing these injustices via digital means, it introduces a new kind of trauma — and it’s crucial to take the proper steps to cope. Read more…

More about Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Police Brutality, Police Violence, and Dallas