'Ghostbusters' reviews are in: See what critics say about the all-female reboot

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LOS ANGELES — Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the new Ghostbusters?

OK, that may be a bit dramatic — but given all the hullabaloo about Paul Feig’s all-female franchise reboot before anyone saw it, critical reaction to the film itself was beginning to feel like an afterthought. 

Still, Sony’s review embargo lifted Sunday morning, a refreshing moment in that, finally, we were (mostly) talking about the film itself.

And the results leaned largely positive.

The grouchy old white guys at the Hollywood trade papers were the biggest boo-birds — hardly a surprise there — but a poll of the more gender-appropriate, internet-savvy critics crowd augured well for the July 15 release: Ghostbusters is not without its problems, but it’s fun, funny, and worth your time. Read more…

More about Sony, Paul Feig, Ghostbusters, Movie Reviews, and Movies