Panda gives birth to the tiniest little gem and we're in awe

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Cue Elton John’s “Circle of Life.”

On Sunday, Shu Qin, a seven-year-old panda gave birth to a tiny cub, and the birth was recorded on film.

While the baby was squirming around   making squeaky noises after making its way into the world, we can see Shu Qin’s motherly instincts kick in. She can be seen trying to bond with her new bub, picking it up with her mouth to keep the still hairless newborn warm and shielding it from the keepers.

Shu Qin lives at the China Conservation and Research Centre for Giant Pandas in Ya,an, Sichuan. 

According to media outlets, this latest bundle of joy was conceived through natural mating — a first for the research centre this year. Read more…

More about Cute Animals, Panda, China, Watercooler, and Video