King Kong is bigger than ever in the first 'Kong Skull Island' trailer

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SAN DIEGO — King Kong is back, and bigger than ever.

Warner Bros. released the first trailer for Kong: Skull Island on Saturday, following its panel presentation in Comic-Con Hall H with stars Brie Larson and Tom Hiddleston. Suffice it to say, no King Kong, cinematic or otherwise, has ever been quite as large as this one, in a movie from director Jordan Vogt-Roberts.

The studio that brought you the biggest Godzilla in the history of giant radioactive lizards now presents the biggest ancient ape living on a remote island that the big screen has ever embiggened.

Check out the trailer:

Did you see the size of that thing? Read more…

More about Movie Trailers, Hall H, King Kong Skull Island, Comic Con, and King Kong