Paul Ryan says he doesn't want to be president. Cue conspiracy theories.

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Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced Tuesday that he’s not interested in running for president in 2016. Nope, not at all, why, do you think he could win? 

Speaking to the press, Ryan, whose eyes still plead “Adore me,” said out loud: “I do not want, nor should I accept, the nomination for our party… I should not be considered. Period. End of story.” 

Ryan made his Sherman pledge as the GOP continues barreling towards a chaotic convention this July in Cleveland in which it’s looking more and more likely that the party’s nomination will be a contested affair between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, opening the door for a dark horse candidate like Paul Ryan. Read more…

More about Paul Ryan, Gop, Election 2016, and World

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