This woman is flying 4,500 miles with swans to save them

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The Human Swan

An epic 4,500-mile journey.

The Human Swan

An epic 4,500-mile journey.

SLIMBRIDGE, England — From somewhere within the folds of a dense fog that’s settled over the damp countryside, a motor splutters into life. The engine’s growl rings out over the neighbouring fields, sending a handful of birds scattering.

It’s 5 a.m. and morning is far from broken in this corner of western England but Sacha Dench is already out in the fields setting up a paramotor — a kind of powered paraglider — and preparing to get airborne.

The conservationist is in training to fly 4,500 miles from Russia to the UK along the migratory route of the Bewick’s swans and one thing is immediately evident: If you want to fly with the birds you need to get used to early starts. Read more…

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