Why Apple's biggest new bets haven't paid off yet

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The big theme of Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference this week was change.

Apple overhauled the clunky look and feel of its Apple Watch software barely a year after the product launched. It redesigned Apple Music to be simpler to, you know, find and listen to music. And the company expanded Apple Pay to the web so it’s not longer solely dependent on the slower adoption of retail stores. 

It may be easy to write-off these changes as evidence that Apple messed up its big new product categories, but longtime Apple analysts have a different take.

“When we look back on history, we tend to be very polite and think that the iPhone from the first version was the perfect device,” says Neil Cybart, who runs Apple analysis site Above Avalon, in an interview this week with Mashable‘s Biz Please podcast about all things Apple, which you can stream below or download on iTunes and Stitcher. “In reality, we are going to see these changes and these small pivots.” Read more…

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