Extreme-weather tents for the homeless could help save millions of lives

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SINGAPORE — For millions of homeless people around the world, finding shelter from the elements can be a challenge. Extreme winter cold and summer heat can be fatal to people who aren’t sufficiently protected. 

Tough tents produced by Billion Bricks, a small non-profit in Singapore, are pitched at alleviating the problem.

The tent in its winter configuration.

Image: victoria ho/mashable

Priced at about $100 per Winterhyde tent, the triple-layer weatherproof fabric is draped over a basic structure assembled from common PVC pipes. The idea is for people to find or purchase the inexpensive pipes on their own, so the tent fabric and joint parts can be shipped to them more easily, explained Prasoon Kumar, founder and CEO of Billion Bricks. Read more…

More about Singapore, Non Profit, Homelessness, World, and Social Good

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