Sheila the sheep gets sheared after going missing for 6 years

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If you’d been missing for six whole years, you can imagine you’d be feeling a little woolly afterwards.

That’s what happened to Sheila the sheep, who was recently found after being lost in dense forest near Hobart, Tasmania

Her fleece weighed 21.79 kilogram (48.03 pound) after being sheared, ABC News reported. That’s a lot, but well short of the 41 kilogram (90 pound) record held by Chris the sheep, who was tracked down in 2015 in Canberra.

Poor Sheila was found on the side of the road, unable to get up due to the sheer weight of her fleece. She was returned to her owner, farmer Derek Turvey, and a shed full of people looked on as she was sheared. You wouldn’t want a Sheila jumper, however — her fleece was full of debris from the years on the run, according to the outlet. Read more…

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