
  1. Sing, J.T.K., Sheikh, U.U., Mokji, M.M., Alias, N.E. (2019). Hadamard Transform Improvement for HEVC using Intel AVX-512. IEEE 9th Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE) – Proceeding. p. 310-315.

  2. Abdu, A.M., Mokji, M.M., Sheikh, U.U., Khalil, K. (2019). Automatic Disease Symptoms Segmentation Optimized for Dissimilarity Feature Extraction in Digital Photographs of Plant Leaves. IEEE 15th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA) – Proceeding. p. 60-64.

  3. Lai, T.K., Abbas, A.F., Abdu, A.M., Sheikh, U.U., Mokji, M.M., Khalil, K. (2019). Super Resolution of Car Plate Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks. IEEE 15th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA) – Proceeding. p. 80-85.

  4. Abdu, A.M., Sheikh, U.U., Mokji, M.M., Khalil, K. (2018). An Investigation Into The Effect Of Disease Symptoms Segmentation Boundary Limit On Classifier Performance in Application of Machine Learning For Plant Disease Detection. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry, and Plantation – Proceeding. p. 33-40.

  5. Harun, M., Teoh, R.Y.S., Ahmad, M.A.A., Mokji, M.M., You, K.Y., Syed Abu Bakar, S.A.R., Khalid, P.I., Abd Hamid, S.Z., Arsat, R. (2018). Breathing Sounds–Determination of Extremely Low SPL. MATEC Web of Conferences – Proceeding. p. 3001.

  6. A’in Jamil, Nur & U. Sheikh, U & Mohd. Mokji, Musa & Omar, Zaid & Al Hadi Ab Rahman, Ab. (2017). Improved face recognition on video surveillance images using pose correction. 1391-1395. 10.1109/TENCON.2017.8228075.

  7. Omar, Z., Ahmed, S. S., Mokji, M., Hanafi, M. & Bhateja, V. (2017). Wavelet-Based Medical Image Fusion via a Non-Linear Operator. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 1262-1265 4.

  8. Razif, M. A. M., Mokji, M. & Zabidi, M. M. I. A. (16 Dec 2015). Low complexity maritime surveillance video using background subtraction on H.264. 2nd International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies, ISTMET 2015 – Proceeding. p. 364-368.

  9. Razif, M. A. M., Mokji, M. & Zabidi, M. M. I. A. (16 Dec 2015). Adaptive search window for low complexity surveillance video coding. 2nd International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies, ISTMET 2015 – Proceeding. p. 360-363.

  10. L. Tan, S.A.R. Abu Bakar, M.M. Mokji. (2013). License plate localization based on edge-geometrical features using a morphological approach. 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 15 – 18 Sep. 2013, Melbourne.

  11. Mohd Saad, N, Abu-Bakar, SAR, Muda, S, Mokji, M & Abdullah, AR. (2012). Automated region growing for segmentation of brain lesion in diffusion-weighted MRI. 2012 International Multi-Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, IMECS 2012, Kowloon. Vol. 1, p. 674-677.

  12. Aliyu Muhammad Abdu, Musa Mohd Mokji. (2012) A Novel Approach to a Dynamic Template Generation Algorithm for Multiple-Choice Forms. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing, and Engineering (ICCSCE). 23 – 25 Nov. 2012, Penang, Malaysia.

  13. Munaf Rashid, S.A.R. Abu-Bakar, Musa Mokji, Aliyu Abdu. (2012). Human Action Concentric Video Retrieval System Using Features Weight Updating Method As Relevance Feedback. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing, and Engineering (ICCSCE). 23 – 25 Nov. 2012, Penang, Malaysia.

  14. K. Chaw, M. M. Mokji. (2012). Produce recognition system using a data mining algorithm. IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, 23 – 25 Nov. 2012, Penang, Malaysia.

  15. Pouya Bagherpour, Seyed Ali Cheraghi, Musa bin Mohd Mokji. (2012). Upper body tracking using KLT and Kalman filter. Proceeding of Computer Science, Elsevier. 1-7.