iCODES will be fully implemented at the School of Electrical Engineering, UTM starting Semester 20212021-1. Here is one of the user manuals, the first completed from the available series. This is the user manual for iCODES Capstone.
School of Electrical Engineering Webinar
This webinar will introduce the audience to the Digital Signal and Image Processing Research Group (DSIP). Examples of projects from our RG related to signal processing, image processing, computer vision, AI, and machine learning will be presented.
Please click the title of this post for more information.
Quote of the day
To ask the right question is harder than to answer it.
– Georg Cantor
Autonomous Driving Project Update: RG-11
The sensor is here. We will use this RG-11 rain sensor to measure the rain rate while recording the driving view later. RG-11 is an optical type rain sensor. We are using this type of rain sensor since we are going to install the rain sensor on a moving vehicle. For now, the sensor work as we expected.
Welcome Advanced DSP
InsyaAllah, I will explore more on advanced DSP topics, especially random process in coming months…
MKEL1233 Sem.192001 Class Photo
This photo was taken during the last class on 18 Dec. 2019.
GOOD LUCK for the final exam on 12 Jan. 2019.
Note Sharing Activity
Today we did a note sharing activity in the Image Processing class. The topic is image enhancement. It is simply done in three steps. First, individually, all students list down every term, method, parameter, or concept that they have learned in class. The list is submitted before the class started. Second, in a group, students share their listed items and draw a mind map connecting the items. Third, they give comments to the notes from the other groups. Done.

Visual Note: Restoration of Noise
Two types of restoration will be covered in class, and this is the first part.
Click here for more visual notes.
Update to Histogram Matching Visual Note
Check out the updated version of the Histogram Matching visual note. I added an example in a table.
Click here for more visual notes.