This visual note is to complete chapter 2 (Image enhancement via point processing) materials. At first, the planning is to have a note such as shown in Figure 1 below. But, eventually, I think it is best to keep it a bit more simplified like the one in Figure 2.
Visual Note: Vision system
Below is another introduction note for the Image Processing Course. Enjoy it.
Test Yourself: Image Processing vs Computer Vision
From the above video, try to identify what are the image processing and computer vision methods used in the applications explained by the speaker.
Call for Ph.D./Master Student
This year we manage to secure a research grant. Thus, anyone interested to join us, please contact me as soon as possible. Below is the flyer for more info. Also, please distribute to those who might be interested.
Image Processing VS Computer Vision
Class for the semester 20192020-1 starts this week. Let us overview some fact about image processing to start the course.
See more graphical notes here.
New Update on the DSP Concept Mapping
This is a small update and amendment to the DSP Concept Mapping chart. And I also change it to the dark theme.
Visual Note on Variable Driven Transformation is Complete
Check out the new visual note. This is part of the content from the Image Processing course, chapter 2.
Click here for more visual note
Visual Note: Variable Driven Point Processing
Quotes of the day
It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed
Napolean Hill
Quotes of the Day
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking