Cooperative Learning Workshop Part 2

Date: 29 July & 1 August 2019
Venue: Bilik Kuliah 1, N24

Part 2 focuses on formal CL. Three primary principals in designing the formal CL are:

    1. Positive interdependence
    2. Individual accountability
    3. Promotive face to face interaction

Unfortunately, I was able to attend only the first of two days of the workshop, but still, I learned a lot of new knowledge.

DSP Concept Mapping

After the informal CL workshop, I plan to do a concept mapping activity for the next DSP class. Above is one possible mapping of the entire content of the DSP SKEL4223 course. The main three keywords are filtering, analysis, and design. I also include important Matlab functions.

My First Cooperative Learning Workshop

The focus of this workshop is on the informal CL. Implementing or designing the informal CL should usually involve three phases.

    1. Student work as individuals.
    2. Student work in a pair or group.
    3. Student shares the knowledge to the class.
Visual note for several informal CL methods created by our group.

P/s: Thank you Dr. Suhana for the picture.