27 February 2022, Students’ Comment in ePPP

Had been super busy for the last couple of weeks, with student exams – final exam marking… and also preparation for my own exam on code of ethics. Alhamdulillah, managed to complete the first task… walaupun agak penat… saya tersenyum sendiri bila baca komen ePPP students… I guess, it is worth every minute I spent on teaching activities related to Materials Engineering and Separation Process.Looking forward to passing my own exam too…?

15 February 2022, Code of Professional Conduct Assessment for PAE (Route B) -BEM

Done submitting my document to BEM in October 2021. Received the email in January 2022 that my application is completed and eligible to sit for Code of Professional Conduct Assessment for PAE (Route B) by E&Q Committee, BEM. The exam for Route B consists of 6 Questions, it is compulsory to answer 4 questions. Passing mark is 70%. The reference is Registration of Engineers Act and RER. Click here for further info on the exam from BEM website.

Done exam together with Dr Dayang in February 2022… looking forward to pass it too.

28 November 2021, NALI

Bertugas sebagai AJK Penjurian bagi NALI 2021. NALI adalah singkatan bagi New Academia Learning Innovation, yang diadakan secara maya pada 6 – 8 Disember 20021 yang mengetengahkan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang menitikberatkan “student-centred learning philosophy”. Antara bidang tugas AJK penjurian ialah menyemak dan membuat pemilihan juri mengikut kriteria yang ditetapkan, memantapkan rubrik penjurian, memberi taklimat kepada para juri mengenai system penjurian dan menganalisa markah penjurian di dalam system.