Unboxing Vygotsky’s “Thought and Language”

My purchase of the translated version of “Thought and Language” originally in Russian by Lev Vygotsky arrived today. Considered as one of the essential readings in psychology, I simply wanted a copy of my own after years of having to read it on a soft-copy (free accessed PDF).

Students of educational psychology at the post-graduate levels are highly recommended to read this book. This is especially to the research students who are keen to use the concept of constructivism for their theoretical and conceptual frameworks.

Unboxing APA’s “Essentials of Qualitative Methods Series” (Part 2)

After reading the two book I purchased from the APA’s “Essentials of Qualitative Methods Series”, I decided to add two more to my collections: “Thematic Analysis” by Terry and Hayfield, and “Autoethnography” by Poulos. Alhamdulillah they safely arrived today.

Accompanying webinars are also available on YouTube: https://go.apa.org/qualitative-methods/

Unboxing APA’s “Essentials of Qualitative Methods Series” (Part 1)

My purchase of “Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis” by Smith and Nizza, and “Narrative Analysis” by Josselson and Hammack safely arrived yesterday.

These two are parts of the Essentials of Qualitative Methods Series published by the American Psychological Association. I’ve been waiting for the latest books on qualitative methodology and these compact books are perfect for my references.

On top of that each publication came with a webinar that can be watched again on YouTube: https://go.apa.org/qualitative-methods/

Unboxing the latest version of “Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis”

My copy of the second edition of Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis by Smith, Flowers and Larkin arrived today.

I purchased the copy in order to enhance my understanding of doing this particular analysis for my two concurrent research projects at the moment: (1) “Experiences of ambulance drivers working in a congested city”, a collaboration with Dr. Marat Zagidullin from the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, Reading University, Malaysia, and (2) “Examining Epistemic Cognition through Personal Reflexivity among Student Teachers of Malaysian Public Universities”, a recently awarded matching grant with UiTM.