I conducted a Webex session yesterday for MPPU1024 Research Methods in Education (Section 02). I have 25 students enrolled in the course for this semester. I took over the course from Dr. Hadijah after she had covered all topics for the quantitative research methodology. Beginning this week, I’ll be facilitating students with the qualitative approach in conducting educational research.

Revisiting educational research. It’s essential for students to have an overview of research in education.
For the first session, it was a relief to find that most students were able to access Webex. The were technical hiccups here and there but alhamdulillah, possible to be rectified once you get the hang of Webex’s tools. The meeting was scheduled on 4:15pm, following the original face-to-face classroom timetable.
During the meeting I focused on the topic “An Overview of Educational Research”. The sub-topics included:
- Differences between quantitative and qualitative approaches in educational research.
- Research paradigms in social sciences.
- Philosophical underpinnings of qualitative research in social sciences.

One of the sub-topics discussed during the meeting was the philosophical underpinnings of social sciences research.
Students who wished to watch the recordings could do so via the link given on the course e-learning portal. The recording is also available in public domain via https://utm.webex.com/recordingservice/sites/utm/recording/playback/9806f6ec24234572b9001fde23b4a428.During the online meeting, students were also reminded to post questions on the e-learning forum.

Students could watch the recording of the online meeting via the given links.