I consider myself a teacher-learner. As I am motivated to guide, I am also open to learning from my disciples. I am inspired towards becoming a future-ready educator (FRC). Thus, I am determined to seek and learn the most up-to-date lesson materials and technology so I can engage my students’ involvement in the learning process. I am inspired to share my knowledge through conferences and publications. It will be the most beneficial experience and platform to provide my ability as a trainer and consultant. Apart from that, I am also encouraging myself to share my knowledge using new communication such as social media, thus reaching more and new audiences. In general, I love to use the analogy of myself as a ‘Traveler’, who every day will venture into new ‘terrain’ and will always find new information, insight and perspectives. And I also love to ingrain this term with my learners, thus, encouraging them to start to look at common things with new perspectives.

As I love community engagement, it is my wish that I am able to contribute to society through community social responsibility. Thus, my overall goal as an educator is multifaceted. It combines the desire to make learning fun and inspirational so my students may find love towards learning; to create an organized learning experience and to clearly define my teaching approach and strategies. Every day, I will emphasise to myself the purpose of me being in the current position, which is to maximise my contribution to my organisations, those that I serve and the community. Finally, but most importantly, the deeds are all aiming for the ultimatum purpose of getting the Almighty favour, worldly as well as hereafter.