Dr. Sunita Satyapal, Director of the Energy Department’s Fuel Cell Technologies Office. Satyapal can answer questions about how fuel cells work, growth in the marketplace and the Energy Department’s role in advancing the technology.

Daniel Dedrick, Manager of Hydrogen and Combustion Technologies at +Sandia Labs. Dedrick can discuss Sandia’s fuel cell research, applications where fuel cells can be used, and how the technology will help increase our energy security and reduce carbon pollution.

Anthony Eggert, Executive Director of the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy. Eggert can talk about the future of fuel cells in transportation and accelerating the transition to cleaner, more efficient transportation.

Charlie Freese, Executive Director of Global Fuel Cell Activities at General Motors. Freese can answer questions about GM’s work to develop commercially viable fuel cell electric vehicles, lessons he has learn from managing one of the world’s largest fleet of fuel cell vehicles and how industry is working to develop a hydrogen infrastructure.

You can submit your fuel cell questions in advance and during the Hangout by emailing newmedia@hq.doe.gov, posting in the comments on the Energy Department’s Facebook page or Google+ event, or tweeting @ENERGY using #askEnergy101. We look forward to answering your questions!