Wind, Wave & Tidal Energy – Clean, Secure & Affordable

As we approach the 2015 General Election, the next Government will need to take major decisions on how the UK energy mix develops in the coming decades. Wind, wave and tidal energy can play a major part in responding to the energy ‘trilemma’ – the need for clean,...

Alaska’s Last Oil The question of whether to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) has been an ongoing political controversy in the United States since 1977. The issue has been used by both Democrats and Republicans as a...

Crude – The Incredible Journey Of Oil

From the food on our tables to the fuel in our cars, crude oil seeps invisibly into almost every part of our modern lives. It is the energy source and raw material that drives transport and the economy. Yet many of us have little idea of the incredible journey it has...

Oil Rigs: The End Of It’s Working Life Offshore oil and gas platforms are some of our largest manmade objects. They are built to survive drilling disasters, hurricanes and icebergs. But once they’ve done their job, dismantling them is an expensive ordeal...