The significance of the resident’s knowledge management in managing the residential property

Most commonly, residents are always arguing about the satisfaction of sustainability and quality of their high rise residential property. Often, all the shortcomings and weaknesses will be blamed on the developers without considering the lack of knowledge management from the residents themselves. It is important, therefore, to show that knowledge management of the residents should be taken into account in relation to the satisfactory and the quality of the high rise residential property. This paper aims to discuss the resident’s knowledge management level of the high rise residential property in showing that resident’s knowledge management is really important to maintain the property at least. To evaluate this situation, the questionnaire surveys are being conducted. The paper analyses and structures the social science research on the importance of knowledge as a resource. The survey evidence demonstrates that, the resident’s knowledge management level was highly related in having high quality and sustainable high rise residential property in Johor Bahru.

Mat Noor, Noorsidi Aizuddin, Eves, Chris, & Abdul Mutalib, Noor Faizah (2013) The significance of the resident’s knowledge management in managing the residential property. In Scientific Book of esd-Conference Proceedings, Maison De La Chimie, Paris.