
Print ISSN: 0012-9682

Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Econometrica publishes original articles in all branches of economics – theoretical and empirical, abstract and applied, providing wide-ranging coverage across the subject area. It promotes studies that aim at the unification of the theoretical-quantitative and the empirical-quantitative approach to economic problems and that are penetrated by constructive and rigorous thinking. It explores a unique range of topics each year – from the frontier of theoretical developments in many new and important areas, to research on current and applied economic problems, to methodologically innovative, theoretical and applied studies in econometrics.

Econometrica maintains a long tradition that submitted articles are refereed carefully and that detailed and thoughtful referee reports are provided to the author as an aid to scientific research, thus ensuring the high calibre of papers found in Econometrica. An international board of editors, together with the referees it has selected, has succeeded in substantially reducing editorial turnaround time, thereby encouraging submissions of the highest quality.


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Econometric Theory

ISSN: 0266-4666

EISSN: 1469-4360

Econometric Theory provides an authoritative outlet for original contributions in all of the major areas of econometrics. As well as articles that embody original theoretical research and those that promote best practice econometrics by demonstrating new theory in conjunction with the practical implementation of theory, the journal publishes historical studies on the evolution of econometric thought and on its major thought leaders, coupled with its distinguished ‘ET Interviews’ series that pioneered professional scientific interviews with preeminent scholars.


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Decision Support Systems

Decision Support Systems welcomes contributions on the concepts and operational basis for DSSs, techniques for implementing and evaluating DSSs, DSS experiences, and related studies. In treating DSS topics, manuscripts may delve into, draw-on, or expand such diverse areas as artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer supported cooperative work, data base management, decision theory, economics, linguistics, management science, mathematical modeling, operations management psychology, user interface management systems, and others. The common thread of articles published in the journal will be their relevance to theoretical, technical DSS issues.


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Decision Sciences

Online ISSN: 1540-5915

A quarterly, professional journal that publishes scholarly research about decision making within the boundaries of an organization. Decision Sciences (Journal) is subscribed to by more than 1,000 libraries and read by over 4,000 faculty and students in all functional areas of business, as well as by corporate-related personnel and consultants.


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Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR)

CAR is a multi-focus journal that accepts and publishes academic papers from any area of accounting, auditing, and tax research. As dictated in the aims and scope of the journal, CAR is dedicated to the advancement of accounting knowledge and provides a forum for the publication of high quality manuscripts with original theoretical/empirical analyses, either basic or applied in nature, that are of interest to the Canadian accounting community. Creative interdisciplinary papers and articles stemming from research paradigms rooted in various disciplines, that advance the understanding of accounting phenomena, are also encouraged.


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Cambridge Law Journal

The Cambridge Law Journal publishes articles on all aspects of law. Special emphasis is placed on contemporary developments, but the journal’s range includes jurisprudence and legal history. An important feature of the journal is the Case and Comment section, in which members of the Cambridge Law Faculty and other distinguished contributors analyse recent judicial decisions, new legislation and current law reform proposals. The articles and case notes are designed to have the widest appeal to those interested in the law — whether as practitioners, students, teachers, judges or administrators — and to provide an opportunity for them to keep abreast of new ideas and the progress of legal reform. Each issue also contains an extensive section of book reviews.


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British Tax Review

ISSN: 0007-1870

For over fifty years, British Tax Review has continued to provide unrivalled in-depth analysis of tax law; examining changes and providing valuable commentary for practitioners, academics and policy makers. Its editorial board is comprised of lawyers, accountants and economists.

The Review provides articles which are subject to a rigorous anonymous refereeing process prior to acceptance for publication and which are thought provoking and wide ranging; covering domestic, international and comparative topics across the whole field of tax law. In addition, the Review offers current notes on topical matters and case notes on relevant European Court decisions, reviews on major new taxation publications and regular special issues covering the Finance Acts and other major tax issues.


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Among the important scientific developments of the 20th century is the explosive growth in statistical reasoning and methods for application to studies of human health. Examples include developments in likelihood methods for inference, epidemiologic statistics, clinical trials, survival analysis, and statistical genetics. Substantive problems in public health and biomedical research have fueled the development of statistical methods, which in turn have improved our ability to draw valid inferences from data. The objective of Biostatistics is to advance statistical science and its application to problems of human health and disease, with the ultimate goal of advancing the public’s health.


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Biometrika is a journal of statistics in which emphasis is placed on papers containing original theoretical contributions of direct or potential value in applications. From time to time, papers in bordering fields are also published.


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Annals of Tourism Research

Annals of Tourism Research is a social sciences journal focusing upon the academic perspectives of tourism. While striving for a balance of theory and application, Annals is ultimately dedicated to developing theoretical constructs. Its strategies are to invite and encourage offerings from various disciplines; to serve as a forum through which these may interact; and thus to expand frontiers of knowledge in and contribute to the literature on tourism social science. In this role, Annals both structures and is structured by the research efforts of a multidisciplinary community of scholars.


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