[25 June 2023] Congratulations Shahda for your viva voce, successfully defend your thesis to the satisfaction of both examiners … Thank you PM Dr Noorminshah Iahad who helped a lot with supervisory matters, personally I learnt a lot from my guru. May Shahda’s next affairs continue to be easier and all her dreams come true 🤲.. a good child, a good student, that’s Shahda! Soon to be officially Dr Shahdatunnaim Azmi.. insyaAllah.
Viva Date: 25 June 2023 (Sunday)
Chairman : Prof Dr Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar
Asst Chairman : Dr. Mohd Alif
External : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurhizam Shafie (UKM)
Internal : Prof. Dr. Shahrizal Sunar