Date: 30 August 2016 Venue: M50, FKA Mentor Mantee Session: A talk has been delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhazilan Md. Noor about “How to Survive in Elppt Evaluation”. This session participated by young lecturer staffs from different faculties. We really...
Hi-Tea Session with Vice Chancellor UTM Venue: Rumah kediaman NC Date: 21/8/2016 Alhamdullilah. Everthing goes very nice sessions between our VC and young lecturer.
1st UTM Hooding Ceremony UTM 56th Convocation
Engagement CMRG-MPJBT Venue: MPJBT, SKudai Date:18 August 2016. CMRG take initiative to make an engagement with MPJBT (Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru Tengah)
I love my job. I am passionate conduct the personal coach (by using mentor mentee approaches) to student on How to Write Thesis Fast by using 3 important tools. Spread the positive vibes!!! Today i make it they (all postgraduate students) happy....