Vacancy: Research Assistant @ MSc student

Project Title : Development of a new model for heritage property valuation with thin market situation

Project Location: Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Bachok

Tools to be used: Spss, Stata, Matlab, and Arcview GIS

Training: Will be provided

Financial support : Allowance RM 1500-1800/month for 24 months period

Contact/pm : 

Dr Suriatini Binti Ismail

Universiti Malaysia Kelantan


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My Last Lecture by Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Azraai Bin Kassim

Good day all!

Today I had an opportunity to attend Prof. Azraai’s last lecture at the UTM Senate Hall before he retires soon. The talk was so entertaining and informative it did not feel like two hours at all! Basically he advised young academias on career development and challenges and the importance of balance between career, health, and family based on his own experience.


He started on what the junior academics should do at the starting point of their career path in order to become recognised. Learn and seek help from seniors/mentors, always improve knowledge, prepare for back up plans, practice good work ethics, balance between work and life. Once you are at the top, you need to embrace for moments that you will be “shot down” by certain people aiming for the position itself and unpopular decisions made for the better sake of the organization. This is when you need good friends and family for advice and morale support. 🙂

Personally, I think that his set of rules can be extended beyond the academia boundaries since they were quite general and can be applied to any career person. Anyway, here are the full set of rules as set out by Prof. Azraai.

Topic: 20 Rules for Rising to the top in Academia- Learning from Life and My 32 Years at UTM

1. Take charge of your own career path.
2. Learn from seniors and mentors.
3. Practice lifelong learning, read books, and attend courses.
4. Perform your best, network, and enhance exposure to top people.
5. You can never make it on your own! To rise, you need help from top people who believe in you.
6. Do not give up easily if you fail to get a certain position or promotion.
7. Have a plan A, B, or C for your career.
8. Have a high integrity, good reputation, and be ethical.
9. Look after your health, avoid stress, and be strong spiritually.
10. Practice balance between commitments to family, work, and yourself.
11. As you rise higher and higher, different skill sets are needed.
12. The higher you fly, the more you will be shot at.
13. Have close friends who can advise you and help you back on your feet when you face career setbacks and failures.
14. You learn more from facing failures and setbacks than from achieving successes.
15. Never under-rate the power of the internet.
16. Big opportunities don’t come often.
17. What goes up must come down! Prepare for the day when you will have to let go of big posts.
18. Leadership position is not about popularity. It is about doing the right things for the organization!
19. Important to get the right feedbacks in order to enhance your leadership effectiveness.
20. It is LONELY at the top.

P/s: Kindly refer Prof. Azraai’s books (Kepimpinan Akademik di Universiti and Membina Kerjaya Akademia) for further understanding on these points.


Posted in Academia, Book Review, Seminar/workshop/conference, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Leave a comment

Real Estate Seminar on Land Acquistion and Underground Land Valuation


Posted in Malaysia, Real Estate, Seminar/workshop/conference | Leave a comment

CGPA and CPA Calculator

Stumbled across this very useful online CGPA and CPA calculator during the final examination marks meeting this morning.

Simply insert your previous and current CGPA and total credit hours and BOOM!
There you have your total CGPA and CPA!

Have fun playing around with the online calculator!


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Real Estate / Property Conferences

Upcoming Real Estate Conferences in 2017:

1.Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference (PRRES)
15-18th January 2017
Sydney, Australia

2. American Real Estate Society Conference (ARES)
4-8th April 2017
Coronado, United States

3. European Real Estate Society Conference (ERES)
Delft, The Netherlands
28th June-1st July 2017

4. Asian Real Estate Society Conference (ASRES)
To be confirmed


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Phrase Books

Lost for words or keep repeating the same word over and over again?
Here are links to some of the phrasebooks I have used during my study.

1. Smart Words:

2. Academic Phrasebank:

Hope this helps!


Posted in Master, PhD, Research Tips, Undergraduate | Leave a comment

Download Free Ebooks

Hi all! I just wanted to share websites that allow us to download free ebooks. I found these websites very useful in acquiring essential books for my research. These include statistic/econometric books and research methodology books.

Ebooks are handy especially when you need to travel light but at the same time doing research. Also, since it is stored in your computer, there is no hassle in returning the material back to the library.

1. Ebook Finder:

2. Library Genesis:

Good Luck! 🙂


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Hello world!

Welcome to [your site name]. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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Today HCI class

To my HCI student. today class will discuss about your project

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Trip to NUS

Official Trip to NUS with TNCP of UTM

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