How easy citing, collecting, referencing, research papers using zotero

Compared to EndNotes, i find zotero is much more easier to use and friendlier.

There are two types of zotero clients

  1. Zotero for firefox with add on plugin for ms-word and libreOffice (open source)
  2. Standalone zotero. Must install an extension for one of these browsers (firefox/chrome/safari for mac-os)

zoteroprefSet your directory setting as on the left pix








zoaloneFor zotero standalone, you really need to get an extension for your preferred browser, installed. Once the extension gets installed, you will see a zotero shortcut next to the browser search text box, see the right pix >>>zotexten




Whenever you hit the Z symbol, it would save your searched research paper into the repository. You can add plugin for word and it will get installed into word as add-in features just like below: zoword


There is a youtube vid that i found which might help you out of setup your own zotero. Click here


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