Zotero – Firefox 43.06b – A Hiccup

Do refer previous post for more on installing zotero client. Recently (a week ago from this posting date) when i opened up my firefox browser (v 43.06b – beta), all of sudden the zotero shortcut for firefox went missing. Hmm where did this shortcut pergi...

Zotero (Zoh-Tair-Ro)

How easy citing, collecting, referencing, research papers using zotero Compared to EndNotes, i find zotero is much more easier to use and friendlier. There are two types of zotero clients Zotero for firefox with add on plugin for ms-word and libreOffice (open source)...

How to Install LaTeX

Previously i made a review on LaTeX. Do read it here. Today i’m going to explain on how to install the software. The one that i used for my thesis write-up is Texmaker ver 4.4.1 Download the Texmaker editor (universal editor, runs on multi-oses platform), click...

NetBeans IDE v8 and Apache Derby – a review

Besides LaTeX review and how to install the LaTeX, there is another open source tool for software development purposes. Read on….. For the past two years, i’ve been using NetBeans IDE ver 8.0.1 to develop a program using JAVA language. It started out as a...

LaTeX Editor – TEX Maker

As a start here is the link to utmthesis latex format 3.13. Click me Why did i choose LaTeX for my thesis? It’s free. It piqued my interest to learn a “semi programming”(as if) style in LaTeX. It reminds me the day when i did my assignments for...