Sepanjang Dis 2015 merupakan bulan pengisian maklumat lengkap bagi Pengawai Yang Dinilai (PYD), kedalam sistem penilaian prestasi e-LPPT (akademik) atau e-LNPT (bkn akademik).

5% bonus marks are given based on your webometric counts.

How it’s being calculated? First, the count will be calculated as the following table:

  Marking Scheme for 2015
WebOmetrics Counts
1. 2000 and above = 5%
2. 1000 and above = 4%
3. 500 and above = 3%
4. 250 and above = 2%
5. 100 and above = 1%

Open a google search engine and type in site:**


Google will return the results found. The number of occurrences will be stated in a sentence. Take snapshot of the google search and key in the value of occurrences into your e-LPPT or e-LNPT.


Selamat mencuba




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