


Code                    :          Design Studio Courses

SBL 1015                       :           Basic Design I

SBL 1025                       :           Basic Design II

SBL 2036                       :           Basic Landscape Design and Ecological Conservation

SBL 2046/SBEL 1414      :           Landscape Community Design

SBEL 2425                     :           Park and Recreational Planning and Design

SBEL 3458                     :           Industrial Training 1

SBL 4096/SBEL 4476      :           Topical Studies

SBL 4108/ SBEL 4486     :           Final Comprehensive Project


Code                    :          Core and Elective Courses

SBL 1152/SBEL 1532       :           Horticulture and Nursery

SBL 1242                       :           Landscape Ecology

SBL 2183                       :           Planting Technology 1

SBL 2342                       :           Soil Science

SBEL 2552                     :           Ethnobotany Plant Materials

SBEL 2612                     :           Amalan Ikhtisas I

SBEL 2692                     :           Recreational Park Planning

SBL 4262                       :           Land Reclamation and Rehabilitation

SBL 4303/ SBEL 4753     :           Landscape Seminar

SBL 4382/ SBEL 3742      :           Field Study

SBA 3852/ SBEL 4782     :           Competition

SBL 4422                       :           Management B

SBEL 4802                     :           Materials and Specification

SBEL 4812                     :           Cost Studies

Notes: All listed courses were also taught in SPACE program.




Inculcate positive attitude towards life through Landscape Architecture