Career Summary

As far as teaching and learning activities are concern, he has the inclination to venture into new ideas and ways to improve students’ quality. Being one of the champions in the incorporation of generic skills to students, he has implemented the cooporative learning approach. Over the past years, he has lectured 12 undergraduate and postgraduate level courses in the area of analysis and design of steel, timber and concrete structures and civil engineering systems. He has also lectured on the use of information technology and computer programming. He has supervised seven PhD students, of which three already completed. Nine out of 13 Master students had graduated. He has also been appointed as an external examiner for several faculties and departments. At the undergraduate level he had supervised more than 70 students. He had also been given the opportunity to supervise 23 students on systems development, multimedia and computer maintenance for the Faculty of Computer Science and Information System whilst he was the IT Manager.

He has been giving lectures as well as being one of the reference person in academic matters related to Outcome based Educuation (OBE), ISO, MQF Credit systems and/or Quality Assurance to UTM, UTHM, UTeM, UMP, USM, UUM, UMS, UIAM, UiTM, UNIMAP, UPNM, Kolej Yayasan Melaka and the Bahagian Pendidikan Guru, Ministry of Education. He has also been appointed as one of the panel members to prepare training module and a facilitator for the implementation of OBE by the Engineering Accreditation Council, Board of Engineers Malaysia.


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