Career Summary

Although fully occupied with teaching and administrative jobs, he successfully led and completed 2 research projects. Both projects produced a few research papers and viably commercialised computer software on the analysis and design of multi-storey steel framed structures. Out of this research, simplified methods to design beams and columns in multi-storey steel frames taking into account the connection complexities and other non-linear behaviour of the steel frames were proposed. He shared the research findings in many conferences, seminars and short courses both at the national and international levels. He was also involved in a total of five research projects as a researcher with his colleagues. One of which has earned them an international award on Invention and Product Exposition (INPEX), USA in the year 2004.

He jointly published 10 books, monograph and stardards. A book entitled “Structural Steel Design to BS 5950” was published in 2010. He edited a book written by Prof Siti Hamisah Tafsir, entitled “Structural Fire Engineering – The Gurun Test”. He was also appointed to evaluate journal papers and also involved as panel member to evaluate Master Students researches and final year undergraduate projects.



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