Career Summary

To date he had jointly written more than 70 journal, seminar and conference papers both at the national and international levels. These papers addressed research findings as well as sharing experiences on the teaching and learning activities. Apart from this, 12 technical and academic administrative papers had also been written.

He has also been involved in a few consultancy work. A major consultancy activity was the Malaysian Institute of Chemical Engineering Technology (MICET), Melaka project that brought RM 1.4 million to the university, a project that propose and supervise IT requirements. He proposed and supervised the Web Teaching activities and The MICET web portal. In addition to this, he also helped the team to propose the IT policy, Academic System Development and the Smartcard. Another major contribution in consultancy services was being part of the team in the Malaysia Quality Evaluation System for Private Colleges, MyQuest project, developing instruments to evaluate the performance of private colleges in Malaysia and the Talent Management for Human Capital in Malaysian Higher Education ecosystem project.

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