ICRQE and ICEBM 4th to 5th August 2018

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Sharing Session on Experience in Thesis Examination

Role of Examiners in Research based Degrees


I shared with Razak School academic staff my experience in thesis examination especially for award of Doctoral Degree (PhD/Professional Doctorate/Eng D). Those who miss it can see the slides I am sharing here.

Any questions and comments please email me at shari@utm.my


UTM Razak School Beyond 2018

Engagement with RS Staff on 22 December 2017


Towards 2018 with greater success


Razak School Engagement 22 Dec 2017

Great Year Ahead 2018

2017 has been a wonderful and challenging year with so much achievement by everyone in Razak School. Right from beginning of year with Kolej Vokesyenal Gombak Change Mangement program by the Human Capital Research Group, then followed by the Toy Library in SK Seneng launching in March. In between many other events happened such as Research and Innovation Week initiated by TDPIKJ Team. The trip to Sudan in mid February was trying to venture into curriculum development in some engineering programs. Then there were the conferences, the ICAT the  ICEBM, organised by the school.  This does not include those I attended the ICRQE and the APIEMS conferences.

The APEN JAIF project was completed with success by the team led by Dr Habibah and Dr Roslizar. I had to attend the Bandung APEN Seminar Closing of Project, then the sharing session during Ramadan in Bangkok, early June, and also the Director’s Meeting in Vientiane on 31 October.

The research teams in all areas, the Civil group, EE, the Belum Team, the VOITH team, and everyone else.

The school also manged to held one teamworking training “Winning Team’ amongst support staff. It was a great success. The ukuwah events including Jamuan Raya, and the Citra Karisma on 15 December. Thanks to the Badan Kabajikan for the great effort in organising these events.

There are many many more by the great people in Razak School…..  Just to name some including Dr Khammarul for the Disaster Group, Dr Sathia for the STEM initiative, Dato’ Zainai Toy Library, Dato’ Halimaton for our initiative with Universitas Pertaminas. All the RGs… all the academic staff, sorry if I dont mention your name..

Jazakalluhukhair for your contribution.



ICEBM 2017 Meiji University GSBA and UTM Razak School 26-27 August 2017


Meiji Teaching and Master Supervision + Visits to Companies and Univeristy

Trip to Meiji University (7- 17 July 2017)

8 and  9 July – Conduct Class MRSE 1523 Quality Mgt and Techniques (Part 1)

10 July – Visit to Nissan (with 6 DMP students) + Meeting with Tetsuko Saito (Master Project) 18:00 – 20:00

11 July – Morning (9:00-12:00) meeting with Tetsuko Saito (Master Project) + Lunch with GSBA Meiji Admin and Staff –

12 July – Visit Advanced Institute Industrial Technology (AIIT) President Kawata + Dinner

13 July – Visit Cutting Tool Maker Shizuoka – Prof Sasaki (AIIT) + Mr Yanagida

14 July – Friday Prayers at Tokyo Camii Mosque

15 and 16 July – Conduct Class MRSE 1523 QMT (Part 2)

17 July – Flight back to KL

Still in plan – Shin Taguchi and ….. DMP UTM /Meiji  Alumni