Eating happily after web updating session, 21 Oct 2015, UTM AIS, Kuala Lumpur.
Archives for October 2015
Web Updating Session
Post doctorate position, France
Post doctorate position
Reliability in Embedded Systems: Simulation and Modeling
LAMIH-CNRS UMR University of Valenciennes and CEA-LIST Paris Saclay, France
Complex embedded systems are more and more used to fulfill safety-critical functionalities in transportation tools such as automotive, trains and avionics. With the increasing usage for advanced technologies, traditional ways based on redundancy of hardware units to handle reliability in such systems are no more efficient. Next generation of embedded systems for automotive applications must offer a high level of reliability; all with low manufacturing cost, high system performance and low area overheads. This trend highlights the trend to incorporate more and more functionalities in the embedded system and therefore requires a higher level of performance and reliability.
This Post-doc will be done in the framework of the EQUITAS “Enhanced Quality Using Intensive Test & Analysis on Simulators”, a cooperation project between university of Valenciennes, CEA-LIST at Paris (Saclay), Continental, Sherpa and All4Tec. The goal of the project is to: reduce the cost of the validation phase while increasing the test coverage, taking into account the physical faults in the design flow of an embedded system in automotive. The questions we try to answer are: How to model hardware fault? How should the system detect transient errors? How to fix the faults and to continue executing the application properly without deteriorating the execution time and energy consumption for real-time and critical applications?
The contribution of our group in EQUITAS is the modeling and the analysis of hardware faults using the UNISIM-VP ( SystemC-based simulator. The duties also include collaboration with PhD students working on these topics and helping to write high-impact papers and funding applications.
Required degree and skills:
Ø Ph.D in computer engineering/electrical engineering/automation with knowledge in Embedded systems and their architectures.
Ø Experience in scientific journals / conference publication with good English (writing and speaking).
Ø Knowledge/experience in one of the following matters would be an advantage:
o Processor architecture, simulation, modeling and SystemC.
o Reliability and fault detection/management/correction techniques.
o Automotive and transportation system applications
An application prepared in English or French should contain:
- CV with the list of publications.
- Contact information for 2 reference persons.
Contact: Smaïl NIAR ( and Reda Nouacer (
Call for paper: ARCS 2016
*C A L L F O R P A P E R S*
29th GI/ITG International Conference on *Architecture of Computing Systems* (ARCS 2016)
Nuremberg, Germany, April 4–7, 2016
Paper Submission Deadline: October 26, 2015
The ARCS series of conferences has a long tradition reporting high quality results in
computer architecture and operating systems research. The focus of the 2016 conference
will be on *Heterogeneity in Architectures and Systems – From Embedded to HPC*.
In 2016, ARCS will be organized by the Department of Computer Science at the
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU).
The ARCS 2016 proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes on Computer
Science (LNCS) series. After the conference, it is planned that the authors of
selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their contribution
for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA).
In addition, the best paper and the best presentation will be awarded during the conference.
*Topics of ARCS include, but are not limited to*
o Architectures and design methods/tools for robust, fault-tolerant,
real-time embedded systems
o Generic and application-specific accelerators in heterogeneous architectures,
heterogeneous image systems
o Distributed computing architectures, high-performance computing (HPC), and
cloud computing
o Cyber-physical systems, internet of things (IoT), Industrie 4.0, and
their applications
o Multi-/manycore architectures, memory systems, and interconnection networks
o Programming models, runtime systems, middleware, verification, and
tool support for manycore systems
o Operating systems including but not limited to scheduling, memory management,
power management, and RTOS
o Adaptive system architectures such as reconfigurable systems in hardware and software
o Organic and autonomic computing including both theoretical and
practical results on Self-X techniques
o Energy awareness and green computing
o System aspects of ubiquitous and pervasive computing such as sensor nodes, novel input/output
devices, novel computing platforms, architecture modeling, and middleware
o Architectures for robotics and automation systems
o Performance modeling and engineering
o Approximate computing
*Important Dates*
Paper submission deadline: Oct. 26, 2015
Workshop & tutorial proposals: Nov. 30, 2015
Notification of acceptance: Dec. 21, 2015
Camera-ready papers: Jan. 11, 2016
*Submission details and publication*
Perspective authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers through
the link provided at the conference website. Papers have to be submitted in PDF format.
They must be formatted according to Springer LNCS style
Proposals for workshops and tutorials within the technical scope of the conference are
solicited. They should be done through email directly to the Workshop and Tutorial Chair.
Call for Paper AIC 2015
Call for Paper – CPS 2016
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Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are complex engineering systems that rely on the integration of physical, computation, and communication processes to function. Theories, algorithms, systems and methodologies developed for CPS are the foundations for applications like Internet of Things, industrial internet and automation, smart transportation, smart grids, smart cities, buildings and homes, data centers, health care and so on. Such systems must be operated safely, dependably, securely, efficiently and in real-time. Advances in this field will have great technical, economic and societal impacts in the near future. Since 2008, CPS Week is the premier forum for academic, industry, and governmental researchers to present latest research results and exchange ideas on all aspects of CPS.
CPS Week 2016 will be held in the beautiful Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria. The event features four major co-located conferences: · HSCC: the 19th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
· ICCPS: the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
· IPSN: the 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks
· RTAS: the 22nd IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
In additional to major conferences, CPS Week 2016 will host workshops, tutorials, poster and demo sessions and a competition. CPS Week conferences call for original research contributions. Please refer to Call for Papers from individual conferences for topics of interests and submission formats. |
How to survive a PhD viva
Finishing your PhD thesis
Read this article on:
Finishing your PhD thesis: 15 top tips from those in the know
Good luck on writing & keep writing
3 Qualities of successful Ph.D
Read this interesting article on qualities of a successful PhD students
3 qualities of successful Ph.D. students: Perseverance, tenacity and cogency
What is PhD?
Master Graduate – Iza’in
Iza’in Nurfateha Binti Ruzan
Master of Computer Science, 2015.
Research Title:
Thesis: (PDF)