2016 International Conference on Advances in Software, Control and Mechanical Engineering (ICSCME’16) April 12-13, 2016 Kyoto (Japan)
12th to 13th April 2016
Kyoto, Japan

Deadline for Full Paper/Abstracts/Posters Submission: Dec. 8, 2015
Please submit your papers by email at: editor@ureng.org

Each Paper will be assigned Digital Object Identifier(DOI) from CROSSREF. The Proceeding will be submitted to SCOPUS/ISI Thomson for review and possible indexing. In addition the proceedings will be indexed at Google and Google Scholar google.com

Topics of interest for submission include any topics on Image Processing, Production and Computer Science:
– Algorithms and Applications
– Computational Intelligence
– Computer and Information Technology
– Computer Architecture and Computer Aided Design
– Computer Architectures and Digital Systems
– Computer Networks and Security
– Computer Systems and Networks
– Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
– Control Systems and Robotics
– Data Mining and Data fusion
– Data Mining and Management
– Databases and Data Mining
– Decision Support Systems
– Distributed and Parallel Systems
– Distributed, mobile, and open architecture
– Dynamical Systems
– E-Learning & E-Business
– Fuzzy, ANN & Expert Approaches
– Genetic Algorithms
– Grid and Cluster Computing
– Hierarchical Control Systems
– Human-Computer Interaction
– Hybrid Systems
– Information & data security
– Information systems & Applications
– Information Systems and ubiquitous technologies
– Innovative database technology
– Innovative platforms, architectures and technologies for Information Systems engineering
– Internet and Electronic Commerce
– Internet applications & performances
– Knowledge Based Systems
– Knowledge Management & Decision Making
– Logic Synthesis
– Management Information Systems
– Methodologies and approaches for Information Systems engineering
– Mobile networks & services
– Modeling and Simulation
– Multimedia and Web Applications
– Network and System Security
– Optimization
– Performance Modelling and Analysis
– Quality of models and of modelling languages
– Reliability Engineering and Fault Tolerance
– Satellite & Space Communications
– Scientific computing and supercomputing benchmark design
– Seismic Data Processing
– Service-oriented architecture
– Signal Processing
– Soft Computing
– Software Engineering
– Speech and Audio Processing
– Supercomputing and scientific computing
– Production Systems
– Automated Manufacturing Systems
– Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
– MEMS and Mechatronics

For any inquiry about the submission and conference, please feel free to contact us at: editor@ureng.org

Registration/Fee details are available at: http://icipcs.org/registration.php

Important Dates are available at: http://icipcs.org/important_dates.php

Enquiries: editor@ureng.org
Web address: http://icscme.ureng.org/
Sponsored by: URENG

You may Contact Conference Local Chair:
Prof Dr. Kazuaki Maeda, Chubu University, 1200 Matsumoto, Kasugai, Aichi 487-8501, JAPAN
E-mail: kaz@isc.chubu.ac.jp, kmaeda@gmail.com, kaz@acm.org

The 8th NASA Formal Methods Symposium

NFM 2016 – Call For Papers
The 8th NASA Formal Methods Symposium
June 07 – June 09 2016
McNamara Alumni Center
University of Minnesota
200 Oak Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455
Theme of the Symposium
The widespread use and increasing complexity of mission-critical and
safety-critical systems at NASA and the aerospace industry requires advanced
techniques that address their specification, design, verification, validation,
and certification requirements. The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is a forum
to foster collaboration between theoreticians and practitioners from NASA,
academia, and the industry, with the goal of identifying challenges and
providing solutions towards achieving assurance for such critical systems.
New developments and emerging applications like autonomous on-board software
for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), UAS Traffic Management (UTM), advanced
separation assurance algorithms for aircraft, and the need for system-wide
fault detection, diagnosis, and prognostics provide new challenges for system
specification, development, and verification approaches. Similar challenges
need to be addressed during development and deployment of on-board software
for spacecraft ranging from small and inexpensive CubeSat systems to manned
spacecraft like Orion, as well as for ground systems.
The focus of the symposium will be on formal techniques and other approaches
for software assurance, their theory, current capabilities and limitations,
as well as their potential application to aerospace, robotics, and other
NASA-relevant safety-critical systems during all stages of the software
Topics of interest include but are not limited to
* Model checking
* Theorem proving
* SAT and SMT solving
* Symbolic execution
* Static analysis
* Model-based development
* Runtime verification
* Software and system testing
* Safety assurance
* Fault tolerance
* Compositional verification
* Security and intrusion detection
* Design for verification and correct-by-design techniques
* Techniques for scaling formal methods
* Applications of formal methods in the development of:
    * autonomous systems
    * safety-critical artificial intelligence systems
    * cyber-physical, embedded, and hybrid systems
    * fault-detection, diagnostics, and prognostics systems
* Use of formal methods in:
    * assurance cases
    * human-machine interaction analysis
    * requirements generation, specification, and validation
    * automated testing and verification
Important Dates
– Paper Submission:    2/19/2016
– Paper Notifications: 4/8/2016
– Camera-ready Papers: 4/27/2016
– Symposium:           6/7 – 6/9/2016
The symposium will take place at McNamara Alumni Center, University of Minnesota.
Registration is required but is free of charge.
Submission Details
There are two categories of submissions:
1. Regular papers describing fully developed work and complete
   results (maximum 15 pages)
2. Short papers on tools, experience reports, or work in progress
   with preliminary results (maximum 6 pages)
All papers must be in English and describe original work that has not been
published or submitted elsewhere. All submissions will be fully reviewed by
at least three members of the Program Committee.
Papers will appear in a volume of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS), and must use LNCS style formatting. Papers must be submitted in PDF
format at the EasyChair submission site:
Authors of selected best papers may be invited to submit an extended
version to a special issue of the Journal of Automated Reasoning (Springer).
Organizing Committee
– Michael Lowry, NASA Ames Research Center, USA (NASA Liaison)
– Johann Schumann, SGT, Inc./NASA Ames Research Center, USA (General Chair)
– Oksana Tkachuk, SGT, Inc./NASA Ames Research Center, USA (PC Chair)
– Sanjai Rayadurgam, University of Minnesota, USA (PC Chair)
– Mike Whalen, University of Minnesota, USA (Financial Chair)
– Mats Heimdahl, University of Minnesota, USA (Local Arrangements Chair)
Program Committee
– Julia Badger, NASA Johnson Space Center, USA
– Clark Barrett, New York University, USA
– Saddek Bensalem, Verimag and  University Joseph Fourier, France
– Dirk Beyer, University of Passau, Germany
– Borzoo Bonakdarpour, McMaster University, Canada
– Alessandro Cimatti, FBK, Italy
– Darren Cofer, Rockwell Collins, Inc., USA
– Myra Cohen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
– Misty Davies, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
– Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft, USA
– Ben Di Vito, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
– Alexandre Duret-Lutz, LRDE / EPITA, France
– Andrew Gacek, Rockwell Collins, Inc., USA
– Pierre-Loic Garoche, ONERA, France
– Shalini Ghosh, SRI International, USA
– Susanne Graf, Universite Joseph Fourier / CNRS / VERIMAG, France
– Radu Grosu, Stony Brook University, USA
– Arie Gurfinkel,SEI, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
– Klaus Havelund, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
– Constance Heitmeyer, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
– Gerard Holzmann, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
– Falk Howar, TU Clausthal / IPSSE, Germany
– Rajeev Joshi, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
– Dejan Jovanović, SRI International, USA
– Gerwin Klein, NICTA and University of New South Wales, Australia
– Daniel Kroening, University of Oxford, UK
– Rahul Kumar, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
– Célia Martinie, ICS-IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, France
– Eric Mercer, Brigham Young University, USA
– Cesar Munoz, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
– Jorge A Navas, SGT, Inc./NASA Ames Research Center, USA
– Natasha Neogi, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
– Ganesh Pai, SGT, Inc./NASA Ames Research Center, USA
– Charles Pecheur, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
– Lee Pike, Galois, Inc., USA
– Andreas Podelski, University of Freiburg, Germany
– Pavithra Prabhakar, Kansas State University, USA
– Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath, Kansas State University, USA
– Franco Raimondi, Middlesex University, UK
– Kristin Yvonne Rozier, University of Cincinnati, USA
– Neha Rungta, SGT, Inc./NASA Ames Research Center, USA
– Oleg Sokolsky, University of Pennsylvania, USA
– Stefano Tonetta, FBK, Italy
– Helmut Veith, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
– Willem Visser, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
– Virginie Wiels, ONERA / DTIM, France
– Guowei Yang, Texas State University, USA
Steering Committee
– Julia Badger, NASA Johnson Space Center, USA
– Ben Di Vito, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
– Klaus Havelund, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
– Gerard Holzmann, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
– Michael Lowry, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
– Kristin Yvonne Rozier, University of Cincinnati, USA
– Johann Schumann, SGT, Inc./NASA Ames Research Center, USA

CREST: 1st Workshop on Causal-based Reasoning for Embedded and safety-critical Systems Technologies

CREST: 1st Workshop on Causal-based Reasoning for Embedded and
safety-critical Systems Technologies

April 8, 2016

Satellite event of ETAPS 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands



Today’s IT systems, and the interactions among them, become more and
more complex. Power grid blackouts, airplane crashes, failures of
medical devices, cruise control devices out of control are just a few
examples of incidents due to component failures and unexpected
interactions of subsystems under conditions that have not been
anticipated during system design and testing. The failure of one
component may entail a cascade of failures in other components;
several components may also fail independently. In such cases,
determining the root cause(s) of a system-level failure and
elucidating the exact scenario that led to the failure is today a
complex and tedious task that requires significant expertise. In the
security domain, localizing instructions and tracking agents
responsible for information leakage is a central problem.

Formal approaches for automated causality analysis, fault
localization, explanation of events, accountability and blaming have
been proposed independently by several communities – in particular,
AI, concurrency, model-based diagnosis, formal methods. Work on these
topics has significantly gained speed during the last years.

The goals of this workshop are to bring together and foster exchange
between researchers from the different communities, and to present and
discuss recent advances and new ideas in the field.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

– formal models of causal systems and structures
– languages and logics for specification and causal analysis
– definitions of causality and explanation
– causality analysis on models, programs, and/or traces
– fault localization
– fault ascription and blaming
– accountability
– applications, implementations, and case studies of the above

Keynote Speakers

Hana Chockler, King’s College, UK: Causality and Responsibility for
Formal Verification and Beyond

Chao Wang, Virginia Tech, USA: Constraint-based Analysis for Verifying
and Debugging Concurrent Software

Selection procedure, committees, and organization

All contributed papers will be reviewed by at least 3 PC members.
Revised versions of selected papers will be published as formal
post-proceedings at EPTCS.

The second part of the workshop will be dedicated to a common
discussion of a case study and/or a panel on challenges and a
longer-term vision of causality analysis in computer science.

Program Committee

Salem Benferhat, CRIL – Université d’Artois, France
Hana Chockler, King’s College, UK
Eric Fabre, INRIA, France
Görschwin Fey, University of Bremen & DLR, Germany
Gregor Gössler, INRIA, France (co-chair)
Alex Groce, Oregon State University, USA
Sylvain Hallé, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada
Joseph Halpern, Cornell University, USA
Stefan Leue, University of Konstanz, Germany
Dejan Nickovic, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Andy Podgurski, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Oleg Sokolsky, University of Pennsylvania, USA (co-chair)
Jean-Bernard Stefani, INRIA, France
Louise Travé-Massuyès, LAAS-CNRS, France
Joost Vennekens, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Chao Wang, Virginia Tech, USA
Georg Weissenbacher, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Organizers: G. Goessler (INRIA, France) and O. Sokolsky
(U. Pennsylvania, US)

Important dates:

– abstracts due: January 10, 2016
– full papers due: January 17, 2016
– notification: February 18, 2016
– revised papers for pre-proceedings: March 3, 2016
– workshop: April 8, 2016
– camera ready for post-proceedings: mid-May 2016

First International workshop on Resource Aware Computing (RAC2016)

First International workshop on Resource Aware Computing (RAC2016)

An ETAPS2016 Event.
Eindhoven, NL, April 2.
ENTCS publication.
DEADLINE EASYCHAIR January 11, 2016.


Paper submission (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rac2015): January 11, 2016
Notification: February 1, 2016
Camera Ready: March 7, 2016
Workshop (presentations): April 2, 2016


RAC2016 is supported by ICT COST Action IC1202 Timing Analysis on Code-Level (TACLe).

The RAC workshop will serve as a forum for presenting original research results that are relevant to resource aware computing and the analysis of resource (e.g. time, space, energy) consumption by computer programs. The workshop aims to bring together the researchers that work on
foundational issues with the researchers that focus more on practical results. Therefore, both theoretical and practical contributions are encouraged. We also encourage papers that combine theory and practice. The following list of topics is non-exhaustive:
techniques and experience with time aware computing, memory aware computing and energy aware computing;
models for resource aware computing in general or for a specific resource in particular resource static analysis for embedded or/and critical systems;
logics closely related to resource complexity classes;
type systems for controlling/inferring/checking resource consumption;
semantic methods to analyse resources, including quasi-interpretations;
practical applications of resource analysis.
The papers selected after the reviewing process will be published as a volume of the ENTCS series.

Registration, accommodation and Travel: Please follow the information at the ETAPS 2016 website http://www.etaps.org/.

INVITED SPEAKER: To be announced

Marko van Eekelen (Radboud University and Open University, NL), PC chair
Kerstin Eder (University of Bristol, UK), PC Co-chair

  • Elvira Albert (University Complutense Madrid, Spain)
  • Clemens Grelck (University of Amsterdam, NL)
  • Kevin Hammond (University of St. Andrews, UK)
  • Martin Hofmann (LMU, Munich, Germany)
  • Timo Hönig (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
  • Thomas Jensen (INRIA, Rennes, France)
  • Steve Kerrison (University of Bristol, UK)
  • Ugo Dal Lago (University of Bologna, Italy)
  • Kim Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
  • Björn Lisper (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
  • Hans-Wolfgang Loidl (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
  • Jean-Yves Marion (University of Lorraine, France)
  • Greg Michaelson (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK)
  • Georg Moser (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
  • Romain Péchoux (University of Lorraine, France)
  • Ricardo Peña (University Complutense Madrid, Spain)
  • Luca Roversi (University of Turin, Italy)
  • Aleksy Schubert (Warsaw University, Poland)
  • Simon Wegener (AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH, Germany)

WFCS 2016


12th IEEE World conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2016)


SS on Communication in Automation IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics


May 3-6, 2016, Aveiro, Portugal


Sponsored by: University of Aveiro, Portugal

Telecommunications Institute, Portugal

IEEE Industrial Electronics Society



Please note that outstanding papers papers will **immediately** be considered

for a Special Section in the TII organized in parallel with WFCS



*** Submission deadline: December, 18, 2015 ***


Author’s Schedule:

– Deadline for submission of regular papers: December, 18, 2015

– Notification of acceptance of regular papers: February, 26, 2016

– Deadline for submission of work-in-progress papers: March, 4, 2016

– Notification of acceptance of work-in-progress papers: April, 6, 2016

– Deadline for submission of final manuscripts (regular): March, 25, 2016

– Deadline for submission of final manuscripts (WIP): April, 23, 2016


Further information: http://www.av.it.pt/wfcs2016/



The aim of this joint Call for Papers is to stimulate the submission of

regular and Work-in-Progress papers. Regular papers may be eventually selected

for two different final objectives, namely WFCS 2016 Proceedings and a Special

Section of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII). Authors

interested in their papers being published in TII will be asked to state it

explicitly and should prepare their papers following the recommendations

indicated at the “Paper submission” page of the WFCS2016 website. These papers

will undergo a first round of review that selects:

– papers potentially suitable for the TII

– papers potentially suitable for WFCS, but not for the TII


Subsequently, papers will follow different paths, in agreement with the result

of the above selection. Authors of papers finally accepted for publication in

TII will be asked to provide a short version of their papers (4 pages) that

will be presented at WFCS and published in the conference Proceedings.



WFCS is the largest IEEE technical event specially dedicated to industrial

communication systems. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for

researchers, practitioners and developers to review current trends in this

area and to present and discuss new ideas and new research directions.


Focus on:

– Real-time and Dependability in Industrial Communication Systems:

message scheduling; task allocation; fault-tolerant communication;

performance analysis; safety and security issues; synchronization.

– System Integration in Industrial Automation Systems:

vertical and life-cycle aspects; web-based setup, maintenance,

and configuration; transparency vs. security; data-flow management;

internetworking; hybrid wired/wireless industrial infrastructures;

M2M communication, Plug-and-Work and self-* mechanisms.

– Information and Communication Technology in Automation:

system design; component-based systems, web frameworks; cloud computing,

service-oriented architectures (SoA); mobile computing; modelling and

specification techniques; formal methods; Internet of Things (IoT)/

Internet of Services.

– Recent advances in research domains with similar technical requirements:

networked control systems; wireless sensor networks; smart grid

communications and building automation networks; automotive and

train-control networks; distributed real-time embedded systems.



– Fieldbus networks

– Real-time communication and applications

– Industrial Ethernet networks

– Web-based communication and applications

– IP-based networks

– Distributed application platforms

– Industrial wireless networks

– Safety and security in industrial communications

– Industrial Applications of Internet of Things (IoT)

– M2M communication

– Networked embedded systems

– Fault tolerance in industrial communications

– Sensor networks

– Configuration tools & network management

– Building automation networks

– Internetworking & interoperability

– Automotive and train-control networks

– System aspects

– Factory and Process automation networks

– Case studies


Submission of Papers:

WFCS is seeking two kinds of submissions: regular papers and work-in-progress

papers. All submitted contributions (in English language) must contain

original unpublished work. Papers that have been concurrently submitted to

other conferences or journals (double submissions) will be automatically



– Regular Papers:

Up to 8 double-column pages in IEEE format, reporting on novel and

significant contributions to the field of industrial communication



– Work-in-progress Papers:

Up to 4 double-column pages, describing research that has not yet

produced the results required for a regular paper, but that due its

novelty and potential impact deserves to be shared with the community

at an early stage.


General Co-Chairs

– Paulo Pedreiras

University of Aveiro, Portugal

– Thilo Sauter

Danube University Krems, Austria


Program Committee Co-Chairs

– Lucia Lo Bello,

University of Catania, Italy

– Moris Behnam,

Mälardalen University, Sweden


WIP Co-Chairs

– Julián Proenza

University of the Balearic Islands, Spain

– Martin Wollschlaeger,

TU Dresden, Germany


Local Organizing Committee

– Joaquim Ferreira, University of Aveiro, Portugal

– Pedro Fonseca, University of Aveiro, Portugal

– Luis Sillva, University of Aveiro, Portugal


Industry Day Co-Chairs

– José Alberto Fonseca

University of Aveiro, Portugal

– Rui Lopes

Inova-Ria, Aveiro, Portugal



TII Liaison

– Kim F Man, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


WFCS Series Steering Committee

– J-D. Decotignie, CSEM, Switzerland

– D. Dietrich, Technical Univ. of Vienna, Austria

– J. Fuertes, Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain

– J. Jasperneite, Institut Industrial IT, Germany

– G. Juanole, LAAS-CNRS, France

– Z. Mammeri, Toulouse University, France

– C. Norström, Mälardalen University, Sweden

– J. Proenza, Univ. of the Balearic Islands, Spain

– T. Sauter, Danube University Krems, Austria

– E. Tovar, ISEP-IPP, Porto, Portugal

– A. Valenzano, IEIIT-CNR, Italy

– F. Vasques, University of Porto, Portugal

– M. Wollschläger, TU Dresden, Germany

– F. Simonot-Lion, LORIA-INPL, Nancy, France

– R. Zurawski, ISA Group, USA (Chair)


IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

– Guest Editors

Lucia Lo Bello, University of Catania, Italy

Moris Behnam, Mälardalen University, Sweeden

Paulo Pedreiras, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Thilo Sauter, Danube University Krems, Austria


– Editor in Chief

Kim F Man, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong




The 13th Learning and Technology (L&T) Conference


Learning and Technology
4th to 6th April 2016
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

The 13th Learning and Technology (L&T) Conference, which is one of the first forums for multi-dimensional technology to emerge in the region, surveys cutting-edge research on multi-dimensional computing and learning technology. This event provides a premier platform for disseminating research results covering a broad variety of topics in the area of 3D technology, virtual reality, augmented reality, and the technology needed to enable these environments to a wide range of applications.

3D technology can be integrated with other technologies to make a huge impact on teaching and learning by providing students a different view and implementation to data, information and collaboration. It has a strong possibility of improving learners using data visualization.

The purpose of the (L&T 2016) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in multi-dimensional technologies specifically and in the Education Technology and Computer in general.

The purpose of L&T 2016 is to bring together a community of researchers from academia and industry, computer scientists, engineers, physicians in order to share points of views, knowledge, experiences and scientific and technical results, related to state-of-the-art solutions and technologies on virtual and augmented reality applications for medicine, cultural heritage, education, industrial sectors, as well as the demonstration of advanced products and technologies.

This year’s conference will feature keynote presentations, intensive workshops, and provocative paper-presentation panels covering the latest in multi-dimensional technologies. Expect to come away feeling better prepared to embrace the rising culture of multi-dimensional technology.

3D technologies are promising and are expected to change the way of production. It has driven a great attention by the participation of leading organizations and is considered as the next mega trend pointed by leading research institutes. Recently, many IT companies like Microsoft and Google enabled their hardware to perform 3D scanning. Digitizing real objects into 3D models will become as easy as taking a picture. Multi-dimensional technologies is one of the most compelling innovations now days.

Conference Plan

Working sessions gathers researchers, practitioners and participants to investigate propose and identify new or under development research scopes in multi-dimensional technologies under identified tracks.

It aims to open research collaboration with other researchers in collaboration with Effat University Research Consultancy Institute. The objective is to produce draft papers and share experiences. Results and proposed solutions for a future research operations.

Important Dates
Deadline for Submission of Abstracts:
15 December 2015
Initial Acceptance Notification:
20 December 2015
Paper Submission Deadline:
30 January 2016
Author Notification:
26 February 2015
Camera-Ready Submission Deadline:
15 March 2016
12-13 April 2016

Conference Organization
General Chair: Akila Sarirete, Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Program Manager: Dr Zain Balfagih, Effat University, Jeddah Saudi Arabia.
Program Chair: Dr Tayeb Brahimi, Effat University, Jeddah Saudi Arabia.
Technical Partners: IEEE “The world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology”

Conference Topics

Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas listed below. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. Both full research reports and work-in-progress reports are welcome. There will be both oral and poster sessions.

Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable.

1- Multi-Dimensional computing:
3D Printing
3D computer graphics software
3D motion controller
3D computing for learning
3D projection on 2D planes
3D Video game graphics
Anaglyph image
Computer vision
Digital geometry
Geometry pipeline
Geometry processing
2D computer graphics
Graphics processing unit (GPU)
Graphical output devices
Image processing
Isometric graphics in video games
List of stereoscopic video games
Medical animation
Real-time computer graphics
Reflection (computer graphics)
Rendering (computer graphics)
Timeline of CGI in films

2- Multi-dimensional technology for learning:
(Papers in this group should highlight how the learning technologies can be enhanced using multi-dimensional technologies)
Distance Education
Life-long education
Computer Education for Particular Group
Other Computer Education
Active learning
Learning models
Service learning
Database Technology
Computer architecture

Submission Formats and Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished work. The organisers particularly encourage the submission of work-in-progress, cutting-edge prototypes. The following types of contributions are welcome:
Submissions should be sent to the following link:
For any inquiries please write to the following email: (lt@effatuniversity.edu.sa).

All papers will be reviewed through a blind review process. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The 10 best peer-reviewed papers will be awarded a full scholarship which includes Travel and Lodging expenses and will be published in the conference proceedings.

Please follow the IEEE format for structuring submissions. Link below for more information about authors guide.
Full Paper: max. 10 pages
Short Papers and Demonstrations: max. 6 pages
Workshop proposals: max. 4 pages


The L&T Demonstration and interaction session is your chance to fully engage L&T attendees at a personal level by letting them see, touch, squeeze, or hear your visions for the future Global Learning Environment, or demonstrate highly interactive learning environments (e.g. through videos or real-time learning experiences). We expect that your Demonstration will be a reliably running prototype of your vision that is ready to be tried out, questioned and interacted with. You need to submit a concise description of your prototype, clearly showing how your technological innovation realises a clear learning innovation. This needs to be in a summary paper that will be published in the 2015 proceedings if accepted with an accompanying video.

Workshops (Working Sessions)

L&T offers the opportunity to host 5 parallel workshops. Researchers interested to participate will be requested to choose and register in one of the topics prior to conference. Participants will be working with the session chair and a group of other researchers from the similar background. An outcome from each workshop is expected as a formal white paper, which will be presented by the session chair on behalf of each team to all audiences. White paper will be a future collaborative research initiative with other researchers under the umbrella of RCI (Research Consultancy Institute) at Effat University for future Journal Publications.

Enquiries: LT@effatuniversity.edu.sa
Web address: http://ltconf.effatuniversity.edu.sa
Sponsored by: Effat Univeristy


MAY 17 – 20, 2016

Important Dates

Submission deadline January 12, 2016

Acceptance notification February 20, 2016

Camera-ready papers March 20, 2016

The best papers from ISORC 2016 will be invited for submission to the ISORC special issue of a suitable IEEE / ACM Journal

ISORC has become established as the leading event devoted to state-of-the-art research in the field of object/component/service-oriented real-time distributed computing (ORC) technology. In 2016, we have adopted a new theme, Real-Time Issues and Challenges for novel applications and systems: Medical devices, intelligent transportation systems, Industrial automation systems, Internet of Things and Smart Grids. In addition to high-quality theoretical papers, we solicit high-quality papers pertaining to the above application domains.

We invite original submissions  pertaining  to  all  aspects  of  ORC technology and especially those that are well aligned with the 2016 theme. These include, but are not limited to:

Programming and system engineering: real-time programming challenges, ORC paradigms, object/component models, languages, synchronous languages, RT CORBA, Embedded .NET, RT RMI, RT Java, UML, model-maintenance, system of systems, time-predictable systems and hardware.

Distributed computing and communication infrastructures: real-time communication, networked platforms, protocols, Internet QoS, peer-to-peer computing, sensor networks, VANETS and V2V and V2I communication, trusted and dependable systems.

System software: real-time kernels and OS, middleware support for ORC, QoS management, extensibility, synchronization, resource allocation, scheduling, fault tolerance, security.

Applications: Medical devices, intelligent transportation systems, Industrial automation systems, Internet of Things and Smart Grids, embedded systems (automotive, avionics, consumer electronics, building systems, sensors, etc), multimedia processing, RT Web-based applications.

System evaluation: output accuracy, timing, dependability, end-to-end QoS, overhead, fault detection and recovery time.

Cyber-physical systems: mobile systems, wireless sensor networks, real-time analytics.

Guidelines for Manuscripts

IEEE ISORC 2016 invites papers in three categories. According to program committee guidelines, papers presenting practical techniques, ideas, or evaluations will be favored, with papers reporting experimentation results and industrial experiences particularly welcome. Originality will not be interpreted too narrowly, but papers that are based on severely unrealistic assumptions will not be accepted however mathematically or logically sophisticated the discussion may be. Submission guidelines for each category of paper are as follows:
Papers should describe original work and be maximum 8 pages in length using the IEEE paper format (link to templates). A maximum of two extra pages may be purchased.  Industrial papers and practitioner reports, describing experiences of using ORC technology in application or tool development projects, are an integral part of the technical program of ISORC. A majority of these papers are expected to be shorter and less formal than research papers. They should clearly identify and discuss in detail the issues that represent notable industrial advances. Reports with project metrics supporting their claims are particularly sought, as well as those that show both benefits and drawbacks of the approaches used in the given project.

Short papers (4 pages or less using the IEEE format) on substantial real-time applications are also invited, and should contain enough information for the program committee to understand the scope of the project and evaluate the novelty of the problem or approach.

Acceptance Criteria

According to program committee guidelines, papers presenting practical techniques, ideas, or evaluations will be favored. Papers reporting experimentation results and industrial experiences are particularly welcome. Originality will not be interpreted too narrowly.

Papers that are based on severely unrealistic assumptions will not be accepted however mathematically or logically sophisticated the discussion may be.

Publication information

Papers are to be submitted through the Easychair system.
All accepted submissions will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE. A person will not be allowed to present more than 2 papers at the symposium.



2016 Annual International Conference on Innovative Technologies and Advanced Computing (ICIAC-16) March 24-25, 2016 London (UK).
24th to 25th March 2016
London, United KingdomNew Abstract/Poster/Full Paper Submission Deadline: Nov. 30, 2015 (Early Bird updated)EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION FEE
Author Student USD 175
Academician (IAE Member) USD 150
Academician (Non IAE Member) USD 190
CO-Author/Listener USD 175

ISBN Proceedings will be submitted to CNKI, Google Scholar, Google, DOAJ, Citeseer for Indexing. Each Paper will be assigned Digital Object Identifier(DOI) from CROSSREF. The Printed Proceedings will be published with ISBN Numbers.

Abstracts/Posters/FULL Research Papers are welcomed from the following and related areas:
-Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
-Computer Graphics, Simulation and Modeling
-Computational Intelligence
-Computer Science & Engineering
-Communication Engineering
-Data Mining, Management and Storage
-Information Technology
-Network and Network Systems
-Signal and Image Processing
-Systems Engineering
-Software Engineering

Via Email: info@iacite.org

Enquiries: info@iacite.org
Web address: http://iciac.org/
Sponsored by: IAE

Payment Method*
1. Online payment with PAYPAL using debit/credit card (http://ia-e.org/payment.php).
2. Pay by Bank Transfer
* The link for Credit Card payment and the Bank Information can be found in the registration form

Holiday Inn Express London – Heathrow T5
Address: London Rd, Slough SL3 8QB, United Kingdom
Phone:+44 1753 684001

ETFA 2016

                              ETFA 2016
21th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation
                            Berlin, Germany
                          6-9 September 2016
                   Web site: http://www.etfa2016.org/
The aim of the ETFA 2016 conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from the industry and academia and provide them with a platform to report on recent advances and developments in the newly emerging areas of technology, as well as actual and potential applications to industrial and factory automation.
T1. Information Technology in Automation
T2. Industrial Communication Systems
T3. Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded Systems [RTNES]
T4. Automated Manufacturing Systems
T5. Industrial Control
T6. Computer Vision, Computational Intelligence, and Modern Heuristics in Automation
T7. Intelligent Robots & Systems
T8. Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks, and Information Processing
T9. Information and Communication Technology in Energy System
for details of the submission areas topics see: http://etfa2016.org/etfa-2016/tracks-topics
SOLICITED PAPERS: Research papers reporting on new developments in technological sciences. Industry and development papers
reporting on actual developments of technology, products, systems and solutions. Tutorial and survey papers. Work-in-progress
papers. In addition, ETFA 2016 solicits special session proposals to stimulate in-depth discussions in special areas relevant to
the conference theme. Please consult the conference web page for more details.
Two types of submissions are solicited: Long Papers (regular and special sessions) – 8 double-column pages. Work-in-Progress Papers – limited to 4 double-column pages. For further details, please consult the conference web pages.
Deadline for submission of regular and special sessions papers: March 15, 2016
Deadline for submission of work-in-progress papers:                 May 20, 2016
Honorary Chairman
    Reimund Neugebauer,
    President of the Fraunhofer-Society, Germany
General Co-Chairs
    Jürgen Jasperneite,
    Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, Germany
    Richard Zurawski,
    ISA Group, USA
Program Committee Co-Chairs
    Holger Voos,
    Univ. of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
    Roman Obermaisser,
    University of Siegen, Germany
Work-in-Progress Co-Chairs
    Lukasz Wisniewski,
    Institute Industrial IT/OWL University, Germany
    Sebastian Schriegel,
    Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, Germany
Workshops Co-Chairs
    Holger Flatt,
    Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, Germany
    Marek Miskowicz,
    AGH Univ. of Sc. & Tech., Krakow, Poland
Special Sessions Co-Chairs
    Alberto Ortiz,
    Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain
    Carsten Röcker,
    Institute Industrial IT/OWL University, Germany
Finance Chairmen
    Oliver Niggemann,
    Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, Germany
    Thomas Nolte,
    Mälardalen University, Sweden
Organizing Committee Chair
    Carolin Schönknecht,
    Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, Germany
ETFA2016 Conference Secretary:
Fraunhofer IOSB-INA
Langenbruch 6
32657 Lemgo


International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN)

International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN)

15-17 February 2016, Graz, Austria

Call for Posters and Demos

The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks
(EWSN) is a highly selective single-track international conference
focusing on premier research results at the intersection of embedded
systems and wireless networking.

Along with full research papers, EWSN solicits submissions of poster
and demo abstracts whose contribution will be publicly presented
during the conference. The poster session at EWSN will provide a forum
for researchers to present their work in progress and to receive
feedback from experts attending the conference. In parallel to the
poster session, the demo session will offer a unique opportunity to
showcase real prototypes, tools, and systems to the conference

The areas of interest for both poster and demo abstracts are the same
as for full research papers. Please refer to
www.iti.tugraz.at/EWSN2016 more details.


Demo and poster abstracts must not exceed 2 pages. Titles should start
with “Poster: …” or “Demo: …” depending on the case. Pages must
have 8.5″ x 11″ (letter) two-column format, using 10-point type on
11-point leading, with a maximum text block of 7″ wide x 9″ deep with
an intercolumn spacing of .25″. The page limits include figures,
tables, and references. Submissions may not be anonymous.

A LaTex template is available at www.iti.tugraz.at/EWSN2016 under
Calls -> Posters & Demos. At the same page, you find a link where
to perform the actual submission. As we particularly welcome
contributions from students, the submission system offers an option
to explicitly signal whether the main author is a student.

Both poster and demo abstracts may optionally complement the
submission with a video of at most 2 minutes that
further illustrates the work at hand. If the abstract is accepted, the
video will be made available directly from the conference website.

Poster and demo abstracts will be reviewed by at least three members
of the poster/demo committee to ensure quality and matching to the
goals of the poster/demo session as well as to the conference’s
topics. Accepted poster and demo abstracts will be included in
the conference proceedings that appear in the ACM Digital Library.

Presentation at the conference:

In addition to space given to every accepted abstract during the
poster/demo session, one author of the abstract will be given a slot
in a further “1-minute madness” session within the main program. In
this session, authors will have the opportunity to describe their work
to the entire conference audience with a single slide and a 1-minute
speech. Attendees will be given an online link where to cast a vote
for what they think was the best 1-minute poster or demo teaser. Best
poster and demo awards will be decided based on the outcome of the

Important dates:

Submission: December 4th, 2015
Notification: December 18th, 2015

Poster and Demo Chairs:

Olaf Landsiedel (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Luca Mottola (Luca Mottola, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, and SICS Swedish ICT)

Program Committee:

Yiran Shen (National University of Singapore/MIT Alliance)
Rajib Rana (University of Southern Queensland, Australia)
Chun Liu (Henan University, China)
Junfeng Wu (KTH, Sweden)
Marco Zimmerling (TU Dresden, Germany)
Frederik Hermans (University of Uppsala, Sweden)
Alessandro Sivieri (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Zhichao Cao (Tsinghua University, China)
Oana Iova (University of Trento, Italy)
Christoph Sommer (University of Paderborn, Germany)