I delivered a keynote speech to the 2022 International Conference on Civil,
Architecture and Materials
Keynote Speech was delivered
Invited Speaker (IEM Penang Branch)
Malaysian National Annex for Seismic Design and
Its Effect on Buildings’ Construction Cost
Keynote Speech
I am going to deliver a keynote speech in 2nd International Conference on Structural Seismic and Civil Engineering Research (ICSSCER 2020).
Promotion to Associate Professor
I got promoted to the Associate Professor level. Special thanks to all my colleagues and students in UTM for their supports in teaching and research.
Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing & Optimisation in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
As one of the Editorial Advisory Board, I am going to chair an special session on “Soft Computing for Structural Damage Detection” in The Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing and Optimization in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. The conference will be held during 16-19 September 2019 in Riva del Garda, near Lake Garda, Italy. Authors of accepted abstracts who present their papers at the conference may submit their full papers for review for publication in one of the two conference special issues of the international “Computers and Structures” and “Advances in Engineering Software”. Find more details and submission of your abstract see the link given below: