ISI Journal
- Haddad A., Abdul-Malek Z.: ‘A new rotating spark gap design’, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 68, No. 12, pp. 4604-4608, 1997. (WOS IF 1.155)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Haddad A., German D. M., Waters R. T.: ‘: ‘Co-ordination of spark gap protection with zinc oxide surge arresters’, IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 148, No. 1, pp. 21-28, 2001. (WOS IF 0.289)
- Haddad A., German D. M., Waters R. T., Abdul-Malek Z.: ‘Current disparity in multi-column surge arresters’, IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005, pp. 945-951. (WOS IF 0.377)
- Ahmad N.A., Baharudin Z.A., Fernando M., Cooray V., Ahmad H., Abdul Malek Z., ‘’Characteristics of Narrow Bipolar Pulses Observed in Malaysia’’, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 72, Issues 5-6, April 2010, pp. 534-540. (WOS IF 1.579)
- Ahmad M.H., Ahmad H., Bashir N., Arief Y.Z., Kurnianto R., Yusof F., Abdul-Malek Z., Darus A., ’A new statistical ranking of tree inception voltage distribution of silicone rubber and epoxy resin under AC voltage excitation’, International Review of Electrical Engineering (I.R.E.E.), Vol. 6, No.4, Jul-Aug 2011, pp1768-1775. (WOS IF 1.364)
- Hamidinezhad H., Abdul-Malek Z., Wahab Y.,‘Effects of gas pressure on the synthesis and photoluminescence properties of Si nanowires in VHF-PECVD method’, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 108 (3), pp. 739-744, 2012. (WOS IF 1.545)
- Ahmad M.H., Bashir N., Ahmad H., Piah M.A.M., Abdul-Malek, Z., Yusof, F., ‘Statistical analysis of electrical tree inception voltage, breakdown voltage and tree breakdown time data of unsaturated polyester resin’, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 8(4), pp. 840-849, 2013. (WOS IF 0.517)
- Salimi B., MehranZamir K., Abdul-Malek Z., Statistical Analysis of Lightning Electric Field Measured Under Malaysian Condition, Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 50(2), 133-137, 2014. (WOS IF 0.780)
- Hamidinezhad H., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Investigation of growth behavior and properties of Si nanowires grown at various supply times of Ar gas current’, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, Vol. 115, No. 3, pp.867-872, 2014. (WOS IF 1.694)
- Hamidinezhad H., Ashkarran A.A., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Vertically-tapered silicon nanowire arrays prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition: Synthesis, structural characterization and photoluminescence’, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp.26-32, 2014. (WOS IF 1.761)
- Mokhtari M., Abdul-Malek Z., Salam Z., ‘An Improved Circuit-Based Model of a Grounding Electrode by Considering the Current Rate of Rise and Soil Ionization Factors,‘ IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.30, no.1, pp.211-9, Feb 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2347283. (WOS IF 1.657)
- Khatir N.M., Abdul-Malek Z., Banihashemian S.M., ‘Temperature and Magnetic Field Driven Modifications in the I-V Features of Gold-DNA-Gold Structure,’ Sensors, 2014, Vol. 14, pp. 19229-19241. (WOS IF 2.048)
- Saeed Vahabi-Mashak, Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek, Kamyar Mehranzamir, Hadi Nabipour-Afrouzi, Behnam Salimi, and Chin-Leong Wooi, ‘Modeling of Time of Arrival Method for Lightning Locating Systems,’ Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2015, Article ID 870290, 12 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/870290. (WOS IF 1.348)
- Halimatusaadiah Rusli, Chandima Gomes, Zainal Kadir,Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek, ‘Surface arcing of insulators due to bentonite contamination’, Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 76 (2015), pp. 73-77. (IF=0.863, Q2)
- Chin-Leong Wooi, Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek, Behnam Salimi, Noor Azlinda Ahmad, Kamyar Mehranzamir, and Saeed Vahabi-Mashak, ‘A Comparative Study on the Positive Lightning Return Stroke Electric Fields in Different Meteorological Conditions,’ Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2015, Article ID 307424, 12 pages. doi:10.1155/2015/307424. (WOS IF 1.348) Q3
- Khatir N.M., Abdul-Malek Z., Banihashemian S.M., ‘Influences of magnetic fields on current-voltage characteristics of gold-DNA-gold structure with variable gaps,’ Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2015, Vol. 3, pp. 134-139. (WOS IF 1.955, Q2)
- Khatir N.M., Abdul-Malek Z., Zak A.K., Akbari A., Sabbagh F., ‘Sol–gel grown Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticles: antibacterial and structural behaviorsture,’ Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2016, in press. (WOS IF 1.532, Q2)
- Mokhtari M., Abdul-Malek Z., Salam Z., ‘The effect of soil ionization on transient grounding electrode resistance in non-homogeneous soil conditions,’ International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol.30, no.1, pp.211-9, Feb 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2347283. (WOS IF 0.490, Q4)
- Hamidinezhad, H., Ashkarran, A.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., The role of silane gas flow rate on PECVD-assisted fabrication of silicon nanowires, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 122 (3), 176, pp. 1-7, 2016. (WOS IF 1.444, Q3)
- Chin-Leong Wooi, Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek, Noor Azlinda Ahmad, Ali I. Elgayar, Statistical Analysis of Electric Field Parameters for Negative Lightning in Malaysia, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 146, pp. 69-80, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2016.05.007 (WOS IF 1.463, Q3)
- Aulia, M. H. Ahmad, Z. Abdul-Malek, Y.Z. Arief, K.Y. Lau, Novizon, Partial Discharge Characteristics in LLDPE-Natural Rubber Blends: Correlating Electrical Quantities with Surface Degradation, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 2016, 11(3): 699-706 (WOS IF 0.679, Q3)
- Mokhtari M., Abdul-Malek Z., Gharehpetian G.B., ‘A critical review on soil ionisation modelling for grounding electrodes,’ Archives of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 65(3), pp. 449-461 (2016), 2016. DOI 10.1515/aee-2016-0033. (WOS IF 0.000)
- Hamidinezhad, H., Ashkarran, A.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Synthesis of Highly Crystalline Needle-Like Silicon Nanowires for Enhanced Field Emission Applications, Silicon (2017), 9(3), 379-384, DOI: 10.1007/s12633-016-9424-x (WOS IF 0.829, Q4)
- Mokhtari M., Abdul-Malek Z., Gharehpetian G.B., ‘A new soil ionization model for grounding electrodes,’ International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 27(3), article no. e2266, March 2017. DOI 10.1002/etep.2266. . (WOS IF 1.084, Q3)
- Al-geelani, N.A., Piah, M.A.M., Abdul-Malek, Z., ‘Identification of acoustic signals of corona discharges under different contamination levels using wavelet transform,’ Electrical Engineering, 10.11591/ijeecs.v7.i1.pp9-17. (WOS IF 0.569, Q4), 2018.
- MJH Moghaddam, A Kalam, MR Miveh, A Naderipour, FH Gandoman, Ali Asghar Ghadimi, Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek, Improved Voltage Unbalance and Harmonics Compensation Control Strategy for an Isolated Microgrid, Energies 11 (10), 2688, 2018.
- Amirreza Naderipour, Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek, Mohammad Miveh, Mohammad Hadidian Moghaddam, Akhtar Kalam, Foad Gandoman, A Harmonic Compensation Strategy in a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Using Zero-Sequence Control, Energies 11 (10), 2629, 2018.
- Kamyar Mehranzamir, Mahdi Davarpanah, Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek, Hadi Nabipour Afrouzi, Discriminating cloud to ground lightning Flashes based on wavelet analysis of Electric field signals, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 181:127-140, 2018.
- Mousa, M.I., Abdul-Malek, Z., Esa, M.R.M., Effects of return stroke parameters and soil water content on EMF characteristics, (2019) Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 34 (8), pp. 1219-1225.
- Amirreza Naderipour, Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek, Vigna K. Ramachandaramurthy, Akhtar Kalam, Mohammad Reza Miveh, Hierarchical control strategy for a three-phase 4-wire microgrid under unbalanced and nonlinear load conditions, ISA Transactions, 94, pp. 352-369, 2019.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Nowdeh, S.A., Gandoman, F.H., Moghaddam, M.J.H., A multi-objective optimization problem for optimal site selection of wind turbines for reduce losses and improve voltage profile of distribution grids, (2019) Energies, 12 (13), art. no. 2621.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Zahedi Vahid, M., Mirzaei Seifabad, Z., Hajivand, M., Arabi-Nowdeh, S., Optimal, Reliable and Cost-Effective Framework of Photovoltaic-Wind-Battery Energy System Design Considering Outage Concept Using Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm – Case Study for Iran, (2019) IEEE Access, 7, art. no. 8932471, pp. 182611-182623.
- MHM Sabri, MR Ahmad, MRM Esa, D Periannan, SB York SB, SA Mohammad, Z Abdul-Malek, GP Lu, HB Zhang, N Yusop, V Cooray, AA Al-Kahtani, MZA Ab Kadir, NM Hatta, N Abdullah, MP Yahaya, Environmental Analysis of Quasi-Static Electric Field Changes of Tropical Lightning Flashes, Ekoloji, 28(107): 373-378, 2019.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Nowdeh, S.A., Ramachandaramurthy, V.K., Kalam, A., Guerrero, J.M., Optimal allocation for combined heat and power system with respect to maximum allowable capacity for reduced losses and improved voltage profile and reliability of microgrids considering loading condition, (2020) Energy, 196, art. no. 117124.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Heidari Gandoman, F., Nowdeh, S.A., Shiran, M.A., Hadidian Moghaddam, M.J., Davoodkhani, I.F., Optimal designing of static var compensator to improve voltage profile of power system using fuzzy logic control, (2020) Energy, 192, art. no. 116665.
- Sabri, M.H.M., Ahmad, M.R., Esa, M.R.M., Periannan, D., Lu, G., Zhang, H., Cooray, V., Williams, E., Aziz, M.Z.A.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Alkahtani, A.A., Kadir, M.Z.A.A.B., Initial electric field changes of lightning flashes in tropical thunderstorms and their relationship to the lightning initiation mechanism, (2019) Atmospheric Research, 226, pp. 138-151.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Ramachandaramurthy, V.K., Miveh, M.R., Moghaddam, M.J.H., Guerrero, J.M., Optimal SSSC-based power damping inter-area oscillations using firefly and harmony search algorithms, Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1), 12176.
- Mehranzamir, K., Abdul-Malek, Z., Nabipour Afrouzi, H., Vahabi Mashak, S., Wooi, C.-L., Zarei, R., Artificial neural network application in an implemented lightning locating system, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2020, 210, 105437.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Ahmad, N.A., Kamyab, H., Ashokkumar, V, Ngamcharussrivichai, C., Chelliapan, S., Effect of COVID-19 virus on reducing GHG emission and increasing energy generated by renewable energy sources: A brief study in Malaysian context, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 2020, 20, 101151.
- Jafar-Nowdeh, A., Babanezhad, M., Arabi-Nowdeh, S., Naderipour, A., Kamyab, H, Abdul-Malek, Z., Ramachandaramurthy, V.K., Meta-heuristic matrix moth–flame algorithm for optimal reconfiguration of distribution networks and placement of solar and wind renewable sources considering reliability, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 2020, 20, 101118.
- Arshad, R.N., Abdul-Malek, Z., Munir, A., Buntat, Z., Ahmad, M.H., Jusoh, Y.M.M., Bekhit, A.E.-D., Roobab, U., Manzoor, M.F., Aadil, R.M., Electrical systems for pulsed electric field applications in the food industry: An engineering perspective, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 2020, 104, pp. 1–13.
- Naderipour, A., Saboori, H., Mehrjerdi, H., Jadid, S., Abdul-Malek, Z., Sustainable and reliable hybrid AC/DC microgrid planning considering technology choice of equipment, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 2020, 23, 100386.
- Muhamad, N.A., Ibrahim, V.M., Malek, Z.A., Mahdi, A.S., Classification of Partial Discharge Fault Sources on SF6 Insulated Switchgear Based on Twelve By-product Gases Random Forest Pattern Recognition, IEEE Access, 8, 9269965, pp. 212659-212674, 2020.
- Munir, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Arshad, R.N., Resistive component extraction of leakage current in metal oxide surge arrester: A hybrid method, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2021, 173, 108588.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Hajivand, M., Seifabad, Z.M., Farsi, M.A., Nowdeh, S.A., Davoudkhani, I.F., Spotted hyena optimizer algorithm for capacitor allocation in radial distribution system with distributed generation and microgrid operation considering different load types, Scientific Reports, 11(1), 2728, 2021.
- Arabi-Nowdeh, S., Nasri, S., Saftjani, P.B., Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Kamyab, H., Jafar-Nowdeh, A., Multi-criteria optimal design of hybrid clean energy system with battery storage considering off- and on-grid application, Journal of Cleaner Production, 290, 125808, 2021.
- Naderipour, A., Nowdeh, S.A., Saftjani, P.B., Abdul-Malek, Z., Bin Mustafa, M.W., Kamyab, H., Davoudkhani, I.F., Deterministic and probabilistic multi-objective placement and sizing of wind renewable energy sources using improved spotted hyena optimizer, Journal of Cleaner Production, 286,124941, 2021.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Nowdeh, S.A., Kamyab, H., Ramtin, A.R., Shahrokhi, S., Klemeš, J.J, Comparative evaluation of hybrid photovoltaic, wind, tidal and fuel cell clean system design for different regions with remote application considering cost, Journal of Cleaner Production, 283,124207, 2021.
- Naderipour, A., Kalam, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Davoudkhani, I.F, Mustafa, M.W.B., Guerrero, J.M., An effective algorithm for maed problems with a new reliability model at the microgrid, Electronics (Switzerland), 10(3),257, pp. 1-23, 2021.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Noorden, Z.A., Davoudkhani, I.F., Nowdeh, S.A., Kamyab, H., Chelliapan, S., Ghiasi, S.M.S., Carrier wave optimization for multi-level photovoltaic system to improvement of power quality in industrial environments based on Salp swarm algorithm, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 21,101197, 2021.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Arshad, R.N., Kamyab, H., Chelliapan, S., Ashokkumar, V., Tavalaei, J., Assessment of carbon footprint from transportation, electricity, water, and waste generation: towards utilisation of renewable energy sources, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 23(1), pp. 183-201, 2021.
- Arshad, R.N., Abdul-Malek, Z., Roobab, U., Munir M.A., Naderipour, A., Qureshi, M.I., Bekhit, A.E-D., Liu Z-W., Aadil, R.M., Pulsed electric field: A potential alternative towards a sustainable food processing, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 2021, 111, pp. 43–54.
- Arshad, R.N., Abdul-Malek, Z., Roobab, U., Qureshi, M.I., Khan, N., Ahmad, M.H.,Liu, Z.W., Aadil, R.M., Effective valorization of food wastes and by-products through pulsed electric field: A systematic review, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 44(3) 1-14, 2021.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Mustafa, MWB, Guerrero JM,A multi-objective artificial electric field optimization algorithm for allocation of wind turbines in distribution systems, Applied Soft Computing 105, 107278, 2021.
- MA Bagherian, K Mehranzamir, S Rezania, Z Abdul-Malek, AB Pour, SM Alizadeh, Analyzing Utilization of Biomass in Combined Heat and Power and Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power Systems, Processes 9 (6), 1002, 2021.
- XM Lin, N Kireeva, AV Timoshin, A Naderipour, Z Abdul-Malek, H Kamyab, A multi-criteria framework for designing of stand-alone and grid-connected photovoltaic, wind, battery clean energy system considering reliability and economic assessment, Energy 224, 120154, 2021.
- A Azmi, KY Lau, NA Ahmad, Z Abdul-Malek, CW Tan, KY Ching, AS Vaughan, Structure-Dielectric Property Relationship in Polypropylene/Multi-Element Oxide Nanocomposites, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 20, 377-385, 2021.
- MA Taib, NA Muhamad, ZA Malek, MNA Rahman, Depolarization Ratio Index (DRI) as alternative method in identifying oil-filled transformer internal faults, Electrical Engineering, 1-20, 2021.
Scopus Journal
- Caulker D., Ahmad H., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Evaluation of Lightning Performance of Overhead Transmission Line Based on 132 kV Double Circuit Tower Structures’, International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 3, Issue 6, December 2010, pp.1372-1381. (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Azzin A. M., Arief Y.Z., Aulia, Lau K.Y., Jaafar M., ‘Influence of nano silica filler content in LDPE on partial discharge characteristics’, High Voltage Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 11, November 2011, pp. 10881-10887. (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Bashir N., Ismail H.: ‘Furan Analysis on Power Transformers in Malaysia: A Field Investigation’, International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 4, Issue 5, October 2011, pp.2227-2233. (Scopus)
- Ahmad M.H., Ahmad H., Bashir N., Arief Y.Z., Abdul-Malek, Z.,Kurnianto R., Yusof F., ’A new statistical approach for analysis of tree inception voltage of silicone rubber and epoxy resin under AC ramp voltage’, International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 4(1) , pp. 27-39, 2012. (Scopus)
- Salimi B., Abdul-Malek, Mehranzamir K., Vahabi Mashak S., Nabipour Afrouzi H., ‘Localised single-station lightning detection by using TOA method’, Jurnal Teknologi, 64:4 (2013), 73-77. (Scopus)
- Nabipour Afrouzi H., Vahabi Mashak S., Abdul-Malek Z., Mehranzamir K., Salimi B., ‘Solar Array and Battery Sizing for a Photovoltaic Building in Malaysia’, Jurnal Teknologi, 64:4 (2013), 79-84 (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Mehranzamir K., Salimi B., Nabipour Afrouzi H., Vahabi Mashak S., ‘Investigation of Ferroresonance Mitigation Techniques in Voltage Transformer Using ATP-EMTP Simulation’, Jurnal Teknologi, 64:4 (2013), 73-77. (Scopus)
- Wooi C.L., Abdul-Malek Z., Vahabi Mashak S., ‘Effect of Ambient Temperature on Leakage Current of Gapless Metal Oxide Surge Arrester’, Jurnal Teknologi, 64:4 (2013) 157–161. (Scopus)
- Novizon, Abdul-Malek Z., Bashir N., N. Asilah, ‘Thermal Image and Leakage Current Diagnostic as a Tool for Testing and Condition Monitoring of ZnO Surge Arrester’, Jurnal Teknologi, 64:4 (2013), 27-32. (Scopus)
- Nabipour-Afrouzi H., Abdul-Malek Z., Vahabi-Mashak S., ‘Study on Effect of Size and Location of Void on Electric Field and Potential Distributions in Stator Bar Insulation with finite-element-model’, Life Science Journal, Vol 10 No. 4, Nov. 2013, 2036 – 2041. (Scopus)
- Nabipour-Afrouzi H., Abdul-Malek Z., Vahabi-Mashak S., Naderipour A., ‘Three-Dimensional Potential and Electric Field Distributions in HV Cable Insulation Containing Multiple Cavities’, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 845 (2014), pp. 372-377. (Scopus)
- Nabipour-Afrouzi H., Abdul-Malek Z., Vahabi-Mashak S., Khavari A.H., ‘The Effect of Magnitude and Shape of Applied Voltage on the Partial Discharge Behavior in Cylindrical Cavity within a Dielectric Material’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 593-597. (Scopus)
- Aulia, Abdul-Malek Z., Arief Y.Z., Piah M.A.M., Jaafar M., ‘Partial Discharge Characteristic of Low Density Polyethylene and Silica Nanocomposite’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 133-136. (Scopus)
- Mehranzamir K., Abdul-Malek Z., Salimi B., Ahmad, N.A., ‘Return Strokes Measurements of Electric Field Produced by Lightning Discharges in Malaysia’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 618-622. (Scopus)
- Mehranzamir K., Abdul-Malek Z., Salimi B., Ahmad, N.A., ‘Observation of Isolated Breakdown Lightning Flashes in a Tropical Region, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 583-587. (Scopus)
- Salimi B., Abdul-Malek Z., Mehranzamir K., Ahmad, N.A., ‘Study on the Vertical Component of Lightning Electric Field During Monsoon Period in Malaysia’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 623-627. (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Khavari A. H., Nabipour-Afrouzi H., ‘Effect of Ambient Temperature Zinc Oxide Surge Arrester Condition Monitoring’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 573-577. (Scopus)
- Mokhtari M., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘The effect of grounding electrode parameters on soil ionization and transient grounding resistance using electromagnetic field approach’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 628-632. (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Aziz M.A.A. and Ali Saleh Aziz A.S., ‘Partial discharge detection and localization in power transformer windings’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 578-582. (Scopus)
- Mahmoudi-Khatir N., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Investigation of the Electrical Resistivity of 20μm-Gap Gold-DNA-Gold Structure: Exploiting the Current-Voltage Characteristics Under a Variable External Magnetic Field’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 155-159. (Scopus)
- Novizon, Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Correlation between Third Harmonic Leakage Current and Thermography Image of Zinc Oxide Surge Arrester for Fault Monitoring Using Artificial Neural Network’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 598-602. (Scopus)
- Vahabi-Mashak S., Abdul-Malek Z., Nabipour-Afrouzi H., Wooi C.L., Khavari A.H., ‘Surge Arrester Leakage Current Analysis by Using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 608-612. (Scopus)
- Fathi M., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘The Impacts of Hybrid Connection Pumped Storage Hydropower and Wind Power in Iranian Grid’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 603-607. (Scopus)
- Wooi C.L., Abdul-Malek Z., Vahabi-Mashak S., ‘Implementation of Wireless Thermal Camera Remote Control System’, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 554 (2014), pp. 561-565. (Scopus)
- Lim S.C., Gomes C., Kadir M.Z.A.A., Nourirad G., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Behaviour of backfill materials for electrical grounding systems under high voltage conditions’, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 10, Issue 6, 2015, pp. 811-826. (Scopus)
- Wooi C.L., Abdul-Malek Z., Ahmad N.A., Mokhtari M., Salimi B., ‘Statistical analysis on preliminary breakdown pulses of positive cloud-to-ground ligthning in Malaysia,’ International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2016 (to be published).
- Elgayar A.I., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘ Induced Voltages on a Gas Pipeline due to Lightning Strikes on Nearby Overhead Transmission Line,’ International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2016 (to be published).
- Mokhtari M., Abdul-Malek Z., Wooi C.L., ‘Integration of Frequency Dependent Soil Electrical Properties in Grounding Electrode Circuit Model,’ International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2016 (to be published).
- Elgayar A.I., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘AC Interference on Gas Pipeline due to Phase to Ground Faults in Overhead Transmission Line,’ International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 6 (3), pp. 1363-1370, 2016 (Scopus).
- Elgayar A.I., Abdul-Malek Z., Mousa M. I., Wooi C.L., Elshami I.F., ‘Conductive and Inductive Coupling between Faulted Power Lines and Buried Pipeline by Considering the Effect of Soil Structure,’ Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 5(3), pp. 656-660, 2017 (Scopus).
- Talib M.A., Muhamad N.A., Malek Z.A., Phung, ‘Fault identification of in-service power transformer using depolarization current analysis,’ International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(2), pp. 559-567, 2017 (Scopus).
- Bani N.A., Abdul-Malek Z., Aris S.A.M., Jalil S.Z.A., Muhtazaruddin M.N., Kaidi H.M., Rahman S.A.S.A., Muhammad-Suki F., Mas’ud A.A., Abu-Bakar S.H., Rey J.A.A., ‘Frequency dependence of electroluminescence measurement in LDPE,’ International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(3), pp. 1406-1413, 2017.
- Mousa M.I., Abdul-Malek Z., Zainab I.M., ‘Leakage current based thermal modeling of glass disc insulator surface,’ Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 6(3), pp. 504-512, 2017.
- Mousa M.I., Abdul-Malek Z., Zainab I.M., ‘Aging detection of glass disc insulator by using infrared camera,’ Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 6(3), pp. 520-5272, 2017.
- Ibrahim V.M, Abdul-Malek Z., Muhamad N.A., ‘Status review on gas insulated switchgear partial discharge diagnostic technique for preventive maintenance,’ Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 7(1), pp. 9-17, 2017.
- Ibrahim V.M, Abdul-Malek Z., Muhamad N.A., ‘Chemical by-Product Diagnostic Technique for Gas Insulated Switchgear Condition Monitoring,’ Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 7(1), pp. 18-28, 2017.
- MR Miveh, S Akhlaghi, A Naderipour, Z Abdul-Malek, A Rezvani, Power flow control strategy for a three-phase four-leg voltage source inverter in a microgrid, World Journal of Modelling and Simulation 14 (2), 136-143, 2018.
- Othman, R., Abdul-Malek, Z., Circuit-based grounding electrode considering frequency dependence for different input current, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2020, 20(2), pp. 613–618.
- Abdul-Malek, Z., Affendy Yaman, M.S., Adnan, M., Effects of soil profile on the transient performance of substation grounding system, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2020, 20(2), pp. 870–877.
- Azmi, A., Lau, K.Y., Ahmad, N.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Tan, C.W., Electrical breakdown and chemical properties of polypropylene/calcium carbonate nanocomposites, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2020, 20(2), pp. 563–568.
- Khavari, A.H., Munir, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Circuit-based method for extracting the resistive leakage current of metal oxide surge arrester, Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2020, 9(6), pp. 2213–2221.
- Adnan, M., Abdul-Malek, Z., Din, N.S.M., Jambak, M.I., Nawawi, Z., Sidik, M.A.B., Effects of lightning impulse front time on substation grounding system performance, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2020, 20(2), pp. 569–574.
- Arshad, R.N., Abdul-Malek, Z., Ahmad, M.H., Buntat, Z., Pavan Kamara, C.L.G., Abdulameer, A.Z., Sidik, M.A.B., Coaxial treatment chamber for liquid food treatment through pulsed electric field, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2020, 19(3), pp. 1169–1176.
- Razak, M.N.A., Noorden, Z.A., Ani, F.N., Abdul-Malek, Z., Jamian, J.J., Bashir, N., Electrochemical properties of kenaf-derived activated carbon electrodes under different activation time durations for supercapacitor application, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2020, 19(2), pp. 1105–1112.

Best Paper Award
Non Indexed Journals
- Mohd Ariffen A., Abd. Malek, Daut I., Abdul Majid K.: ‘The design of a surge protector for low voltage equipment (Class A)’, Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Pendidikan Kejuruteraan, Jilid 2, pp. 83-94, 2005.
- Aulia, Malek Z., Adzis Z., ‘The Height and Distance Effect to Surge Induced Voltage on a Telecommunication Subscriber Lines (TSL) due to the Surge Current Source Location: Experimental Approach’, Jurnal Teknika, No. 29, Vol. 2, pp. 91-94, 2008.
- Novizon, Abdul Malek Z., Aulia: ’A new method to separate resistive leakage current of ZnO surge arrester’, Jurnal Teknika, No. 29, Vol. 2, pp. 67-71, 2008.
- Abdul-Malek Z., Ibrahim W. I., ‘Lightning distance estimation based on Single-station observation using VHF electrostatic field antenna sensor’, Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 19, Supplement (2011), pp. S171-S174.
- Caulker D., Ahmad H., Abdul-Malek Z., Yusof S., ‘Lightning induced overvoltages on gas pipelines due to multiple strokes on overhead line’, Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 19, Supplement (2011), pp. S53-S56.
- Salimi B., Mehranzamir K., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Statistical Analysis of Lightning Electric Field Measured Under Equatorial Region Condition’, Procedia Technology, Vol. 11, 2013, pp.525-531.
- Aziz M.A.A. and Abdul-Malek Z., ‘A Signal Processing Technique for PD Detection and Localization in Power Transformer Winding’, International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 10, October-2014, pp. 33-40.
- Gayar A.I.E., Abdul-Malek Z., and El-Shami I.F., Wind-Induced Clearances Infringement of Overhead Power Lines,’ International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 6, No.4, pp. 275-282, 2014.
- Khavari A.H., Abdul-Malek Z., Wooi C.L., ‘Assessment of Series Compensator for Ferroresonance Damping in Power System,’ Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 818, pp. 101-105, 2016.
- Khavari A.H., Abdul-Malek Z., Moradi M., Tavalaei J., Anbaran S.A., Wooi C.L., ‘An Economic Assessment of Hybrid Renewable Energy for a Remote Area Electrification in Iran,’ Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 818, pp. 151-155, 2016.
- Tavalaei J. Abdul-Malek Z., Khavari A.H., Naderipour A.R., ‘Nonlinear Resonance Suppression as Distorting and Saturating Source in Voltage and Current of Power Transformer: UPFC and STATCOM Performance Evaluation,’ Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 818, pp. 79-85, 2016.
- Novizon, Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Neural Networks for Fault Classification: Comparison between Feed-Forward Back-Propagation, RBF and LVQ Neural Network,’ Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 818, pp. 96-100, 2016.
- Novizon, Abdul-Malek Z., ‘First Order Statistical Features Thermal Images for Surge Arrester Fault Classification,’ Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 818, pp. 91-95, 2016.
- Bani N.A., Abdul-Malek Z., Ahamd H., ‘Statistical Analysis of Breakdown Voltages in Virgin and Aged LDPE Using Johnson SB and Weibull Distribution,’ Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 818, pp. 58-62, 2016.
- Wooi C.L., Abdul-Malek Z., Ahmad N.A., Mokhtari M., Khavari A.H., ‘Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in Malaysia: A Review Study,’ Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 818, pp. 140-145, 2016.
- Wooi C.L., Abdul-Malek Z., Ahmad N.A., Mokhtari M., Khavari A.H., ‘A Review of Recent Studies on Positive Lightning,’ Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 818, pp. 134-139, 2016.
Conference Proceedings
- Ahmad H., Tamsir T., Abdul-Malek Z., Yaacob M. M., ‘UTM’s experience towards the development of a high voltage centre’, Proceedings of National Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, 1991.
- Haddad A., Abdul-Malek Z., Naylor P., German D. M., Waters R. T.: ‘Double impulse testing of zinc oxide (ZnO) surge arresters’, Proceedings of Conference of Electricity Power Supply Industry (11CEPSI), Vol. 3, pp. 281-289, Kuala Lumpur, 1996.
- Haddad A., Abdul-Malek Z., Naylor P., German D. M., Waters R. T.: ‘Double impulse testing of ZnO surge arresters’, Proceedings of Twenty-third International Conference on Lightning Protection, pp. 969-701, Florence, 1996.
- Haddad A., Abdul-Malek Z., German D. M., Waters R. T., ‘A rotating spark gap for double impulse experiments’, Proceedings of IEE Colloquium on Pulsed Power, London (UK), pp. 17/1-17/4, 1996. (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Haddad A., German D. M., Waters R. T.: ‘Current sharing in multi-column ZnO surge arresters’, Proceedings of Tenth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol. 5, pp. 145-148, Montreal, 1997.
- Abdul-Malek Z., Haddad A., German D. M.,Waters R. T.: ‘Co-ordination of spark gaps with ZnO surge arresters’, Proceedings of Twenty-fourth International Conference on Lightning Protection, Vol. 2, pp701-706, Birmingham (UK), 1998.
- Abdul-Malek Z., Haddad A., German D. M., Waters R. T.: ‘Insulation co-ordination of spark gaps and ZnO surge arresters’, Proceedings of Eleventh International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 467, pp.2.397.P1-2.400.P1, London, Sept 1999. (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Haddad A., German D. M., Waters R. T.: ‘Protective characteristics of ZnO surge arresters in parallel with spark gaps: test and simulation results’, Proceedings of International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC’99), pp. 298-303, Singapore, 1999.
- Abdul-Malek Z.,’IVAT’s experience in high voltage testing and calibration’, Proceedings of Seminar on A Complete Perspective on Electrical Power Product Testing, Kuala Lumpur, Nov 2001.
- Sidik M.A.B., Ahmad H., Ahmed A.S., Abdul-Malek Z., Jambak M.I.: ‘A novel method of selecting reusable aged glass insulator’, Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Conference On Electrical and Computer Engineering, pp.243-5, Dhaka, Dec 2002.
- Abdul Malek Z, Ilangovan R., ‘Effects of corona stress relieving rings on glass insulators under AC conditions’, IVAT Bulletin, Sep 05-Jan 06, pp. 9-12, 2006.
- Poniran Z., Abdul Malek Z., ‘Life Assessment of Power Transformers via Paper Ageing Analysis’, Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, pp. T7-15, Slovenia, Aug 2007.
- Aulia, Abdul Malek, Z., Adzis, Z., ‘Lightning disaster in peninsula Malaysia and some places in Indonesia, A Review’, Proceedings of International Symposium on Disaster in Indonesia (ISDI): Problems and Solutions, pp.27-31, Padang, Jul 2007.
- Abdul Malek, Z., ‘Surge Arrester Requirements Study for Transformer Protection in 132 kV GIS Substation’, Proceedings of 8th International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC2007), pp.494-499, Singapore, Dec 2007. (WOS, Scopus)
- Poniran Z., Abdul Malek Z., ‘Life Assessment of Power Transformers via Paper Ageing Analysis’, Proceedings of International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, Setúbal, Portugal 12 – 14 April, 2007. (WOS, Scopus)
- Aulia, Abdul-Malek Z., Adzis Z., Novizon, ‘A New Localised Lightning Locating System Utilising Telecommunication Subscriber Lines’, Proceedings of International Power and Energy Conference (PECon 2008), pp.403-407, Johor Bahru, Dec 2008. (WOS, Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Novizon,Aulia, ‘A New Method to Extract the Resistive Component of the Metal Oxide Surge Arrester Leakage Current’, Proceedings of International Power and Energy Conference (PECon 2008), pp.399-402, Johor Bahru, Dec 2008. (WOS, Scopus)
- Kamarudin M. S., Ponniran A., Abdul Malek Z., ‘Performance of multi-column MOVs for C class protection of AC power circuits’, Proceedings of International Power and Energy Conference (PECon 2008), pp.565-568, Johor Bahru, Dec 2008. (WOS, Scopus)
- Abdul Syakur, Arief Y. Z., Abdul Malek Z., Ahmad H., ’An experimental study on partial discharge characteristics of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) under AC-DC voltages’, Proceedings of International Power and Energy Conference (PECon 2008), pp. 1687-90, Johor Bahru, Dec 2008. (WOS, Scopus)
- Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek, Novizon, Aulia: ‘Portable device to extract resistive component of the metal oxide surge arrester leakage current’, Proceedings of Australian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Sydney, Dec 2008. (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Aulia, Adzis Z., Novizon: ‘A New Localised Lightning Locating System – Software Implementation’, Proceedings of Australian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Sydney, Dec 2008. (Scopus)
- Aulia, Abdul-Malek Z., Adzis Z., ‘Lightning induced voltage as a lightning detection system, a new approach’, Proceedings of Conference on Manufacturing and Electronic Technology (COMET), pp. 27-31, Skudai, Jan 2008.
- Aulia, Abdul-Malek Z., Adzis Z., The surge induced voltage on a small scale model of telecommunication subscriber lines (TSL) in different height and distance: experimental approach’, Proceedings of Conference on Manufacturing and Electronic Technology (COMET), pp. 33-36, Skudai, Jan 2008.
- Aulia, Abdul-Malek Z., Z. Adzis, Novizon: ‘The Measuring System of Lightning Induced Voltage on Telecommunication Subscriber Lines for Lightning Mapping System: A Mock and Measurement Set Up’, Proceedings of 14th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharges, pp.227-230, Bandung, Dec 2008.
- Abdul-Malek Z., Nordeen Z., Novizon,Aulia: ‘Return Voltage Measurement to Investigate the Degradation of Zinc Oxide Varistor’, Proceedings of 14th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharges, pp.119-122, Bandung, Dec 2008.
- Abdul-Malek Z.: ‘Simulation Study on Ferroresonance Phenomenon and Its Likely Cause for 33kV Voltage Transformer Failures’, 2008 Regional Student Conference on Research And Development, Johor Bahru, 2008.
- Caulker D., Ahmad H., Abdul-Malek Z., Yusof S., ‘Multiple lightning stroke current analysis of 132 kV transmission line and its impact on parallel gas pipelines’, Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Electrical Energy and Industrial Electronic Systems EEIES 2009, Penang, Dec 2009.
- Aulia, Arief Y.Z., Abdul Malek Z., Piah A.M., ‘Partial discharge pattern of LDPE-NR-TiO2-EFB based composite as insulation material’, 3rd International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science, and Humanities (IGCESH 2010), Johor Bahru, Nov 2010.
- Adzis Z., Abdul-Malek Z., Ahmad H., ‘Modeling of lightning induced voltage on overhead lines’, Proceedings of The Asia-Pacific Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Paper OP-055, Kuala Lumpur, Jul 2010.
- Aulia, Arief Y.Z., Malek Z., Piah M.A.M., Nur H., ‘Partial discharge characteristics of natural rubber-LDPE blend’, Proceedings of 15th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED2010), pp.201-203, Xi’an, Nov 2010.
- Aulia, Arief Y.Z., Malek Z., Piah A.M., and Nur H. ‘The Effect of EFB Loading to Partial Discharge Characteristics of LDPE-NR-TiO2 based Composite as Insulating Material’, Proceedings of 15th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED2010), pp.152-155, Xi’an, Nov 2010.
- Abdul-Malek Z., Azzin A. M., Y.Z. Arief, Aulia, Lau K.Y., Jaafar, M., ‘Influence of nano silica filler content in LDPE on partial discharge characteristics’, Proceedings of 15th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED2010), pp.156-159, Xi’an, Nov 2010.
- Adzis Z., Abdul-Malek Z., Ahmad H., ’Modeling Lightning Induced Voltages on Nearby Overhead Conductor’s Ends’, Proceedings of 15th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED2010), pp.223-227, Xi’an, Nov 2010.
- Abdul-Malek Z., Ahmad-Noorden Z, Novizon, ‘Assessment Of Zinc Oxide Varistor Degradation Using Return Voltage Measurement Method’, Proceedings of International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, pp.975-979, Tokyo, Sept. 2010.
- Abdul-Malek Z., Novizon, Aulia, Ahmad Noorden Z., ‘Return Voltage Measurements to Investigate the Degradation of Zinc Oxide Varistors’, Proceedings of A Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Kuala Lumpur, May 2010.
- Caulker D., Ahmed H., Abdul-Malek Z., Yusof S., ‘Induced Voltage on Aerial Gas Pipeline Due to Multiple Stroke and Multiple-Simultaneous Lightning Stroke on Transmission Line’, Proceedings of A Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Kuala Lumpur, May 2010.
- Abdul-Malek Z., Noorden Z.A., Yusoff N., ‘The Interpretation of Return Voltage Curve of Zinc Oxide Varistor Based on a New Diagnostic Parameter’, Proceedings of 45th Universities’ Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2010), Cardiff, Sep 2010. (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Yusoff N., Mohd Yousof M.F., ‘Field experience on surge arrester condition monitoring – modified shifted current method’, Proceedings of 45th Universities’ Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2010), Cardiff, Sep 2010. (Scopus)
- Caulker D., Ahmad H., Abdul-Malek Z., Yusof S., ‘Lightning Overvoltages on an Overhead Transmission Line during Backflashover and Shielding Failure’, Proceedings of 45th Universities’ Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2010), Cardiff, Sep 2010. (Scopus)
- Adzis Z, Abdul-Malek Z., Ahmad H., Aulia, ‘Modeling induced voltages on ends of suspended conductor to locate nearby lightning’, Proceedings of International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, pp.176-179, New Orleans, Oct 2010. (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Aulia, ‘Waveform and location analyses of localised lightning locating system’, Proceedings of International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, pp.132-135, New Orleans, Oct 2010. (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Yusoff N., Yousof M.F.M., ‘Performance Analysis Of Modified Shifted Current Method For Surge Arrester Condition Monitoring’, Proceedings of International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE 2010), pp.649-652, New Orleans, Oct 2010. (Scopus)
- Caulker D., Ahmad H., Malek Z.A., Yusof S., ‘Shielding failure analysis of 132 kV transmission line shielded by surge arresters associated with multiple strokes lightning’, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICECE 2010, pp. 298-301, Dhaka, Dec 2010. (Scopus)
- Farriz M.B., Herman J.M., Jidin A., Zulkurnain A.M., ‘A new source of renewable energy from lightning stroke: A small scale system’, Proceedings of International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC 2010), Pages 1490-1493, Sapporo, June 2010. (Scopus)
- Ibrahim W.I., Malek Z.A., ‘Time-to-thunder method of lightning distance determination’, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, pp.357-362, Kuala Lumpur, Dec 2010. (Scopus)
- Ahmad M.H., Ahmad H., Bashir N., Malek Z.A., Arief Y.Z., Kurnianto R., ‘Statistical Study on Tree Inception Voltage of Silicone Rubber and Epoxy Resin’, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2011), Bandung, Jul 2011. (Scopus)
- Mashak S. V., Afrouzi H. N., Abdul-Malek Z., ’Simulation of Lightning Flash in Time of Arrival (TOA) Method by Using Three Broadband Antennas’, Proceedings – UKSim 5th European Modelling Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation (EMS 2011), pp.287-292, Madrid, Nov 2011. (WOS, Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Abdul-Rahman A., Aulia, ‘Development of severity index in medium voltage underground cable using partial discharge mapping’, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2011), Bandung, Jul 2011. (Scopus)
- Ibrahim W.I., Ghazali M.R., Ghani S.A., Abdul Malek Z., ‘Measurement of Vertical Electric Fields from Lightning Flashes using Parallel Plate Antenna’, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering (InECCE 2011), pp.466-471, Kuantan, Jun 2011. (Scopus)
- Mashak, S. V., Afrouzi, H. N., Abdul-Malek Z.:’Simulation of Lightning Flash and Detection Using in Time of Arrival (TOA) Method Based on Four Broadband Antennas’, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Informatics and Computational Intelligence (ICI 2011), pp. 301-305, Bandung, Dec 2011. (Scopus)
- Sidik, M.A.B., Ahmad, H., Malek, Z.A., Buntat, Z., Bashir, N., Zarin, M.I.A., Nawawi, Z., Jambak, M.I., ‘Induced voltage on objects under six-phase transmission line’, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Region 10 Conference: Trends and Development in Converging Technology Towards 2020 (TENCON 2011), pp.968-970, Bali, Nov. 2011. (Scopus)
- Ahmad H., Malek Z.A., Ahmad N.A., Adzis Z., Samad N.A., Sidik M.A.B., On the concern of aged lightning air terminal’s capturing capability and improvement by means of chemical treatment, Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, pp.254-257, China, Nov 2011. (Scopus)
- Caulker D., Ahmed H., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Induced voltages on aerial natural gas pipeline due to lightning interaction with 132 kV double-circuit transmission line’, Proceedings of The Nineteenth IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation, pp.40-47, Crete, Jun 2011.
- Caulker D., Ahmad H., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Lightning interaction with 132kV transmission line protected by surge arresters’, Proceedings of Universities Power Engineering Conference 2011, Paper 293, Germany, Sep 2011.
- Caulker D., Ahmad H., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Backflashover analysis for 132kV transmission line and the associated overvoltages on nearby gas pipeline’, Proceedings of International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Germany, Sep 2011.
- Salimi B., Abdul-Malek Z., Mehranzamir K., Vahabi Mashak S., Nabipour Afrouzi H., ‘Localised single-station lightning detection by using TOA method’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 70-71, ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Abdul-Malek Z., Mehranzamir K., Salimi B., Nabipour-Afrouzi H., Vahabi Mashak S., ‘Investigation of Ferroresonance Mitigation Techniques in Voltage Transformer Using ATP-EMTP Simulation’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 73-74, ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Wooi C.L., Vahabi Mashak S., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Effect of Ambient Temperature on Leakage Current of Gapless Metal Oxide Surge Arrester’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 133-134, ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Novizon, Abdul-Malek Z., Bashir N., Asilah N., ‘Thermal Image and Leakage Current Diagnostic as a Tool for Testing and Condition Monitoring of ZnO Surge Arrester’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 14, ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Khavari A.H., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Mitigation of ferroresonance in power transmission system using series compensator’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 68-69, ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Tavalaei J., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Mitigation of ferroresonance in power system by using FACTS devices’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 115-116, ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Anbaran S.A., Khavari A.H., Tavalaei J., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Cost benefit and emission analysis of hybrid electric vehicle using HOMER’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 7-76, ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Khavari A.H., Tavalaei J., Anbaran S.A., Abdul-Malek Z., Hashemi N., ‘Analysis of hybrid wind/diesel energy system in Binalood wind farm’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 77-78,ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Talib M.A., Muhamad N.A., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Arcing fault condition analysis of mineral insulating transformer oil by polarization depolarization current (PDC) measurements’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 120,ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Nabipour-Afrouzi H., Mehranzamir K., Vahabi-Mashak, Salimi B., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Preliminary investigation on very low frequency method for electrical machine insulation’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 72, ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Abdul-Malek Z., Mehranzamir K., Salimi B., ‘Probability of ferroresonance phenomenon occurrence in distribution voltage transformers using series RLC equivalent circuit with ATP simulation’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 8-85, ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Asilah N., Abdul-Malek Z., Novizon, Wooi C.L., ‘Study the ageing of 132kV surge arrester by using leakage current measurement’, Extended Abstract of 16th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2012), pp. 100-101, ISBN 978-983-42561-5-9, Johor Bahru, Dec 2012.
- Ahmad M.H., Ahmad H., Bashir N., Dolmat M.F., Arief Y.Z., Malek Z.A., Jamil A.A.A., ‘Effects of oil palm empty fruit bunch filler on electrical tree propagation in Epoxy resin’, Proceedings of International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, pp. 203, Shanghai, 2012. (Scopus)
- Ahmad M.H., Ahmad H., Bashir N., Jamil A.A.A., Piah M.A.M., Malek, Z.A., Dodd S.J., ‘Electrical treeing in silicone rubber/organo-montmorillonite’, 2012 Annual Report – Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, pp. 898, Montreal, 2012. (Scopus)
- Abdul-Malek Z., Mirazimi S.J., MehranZamir K., Salimi B., ‘Effect of Shunt Capacitance on Ferroresonance Model for Distribution Voltage Transformer’, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA2012), pp.124-129, Bandung, Sep 2012. (Scopus)
- Mehranzamir K., Salimi B., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Investigation of Preliminary Breakdown Pulses in Lightning Waveforms’, The 34th PIERS Proceedings, pp. 1542-1546, Stokholm, Aug 2013. (Scopus)
- Talib M.A., Muhamad N.A., Malek Z.A., Jamail N.A.M., ‘Application of PDC Analysis to Identify Effect of Overheating on Dielectric Response and Conductivity of Mineral Insulating Oil of In-Services Transformers’, 2013 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Vol. 2, pp. 583-586, Shengzen, Oct 2013. (Scopus)
- Aulia, Nur H., Malek Z.A., Arief Y.Z., Fahmi M., Adzis, Z., ‘Partial Discharge and Mechanical Characteristic of NR-LDPE-TiO2-Coconut Coir Fibre’, 2013 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Vol. 2, pp. 687-690, Shengzen, Oct 2013. (Scopus)
- Musa M., Arief Y.Z., Abdul Jamil A.A., Abdul-Malek Z., Ahmad M.H., ‘Influence of Nano-Titanium Dioxide(TiO2) on Electrical Tree Characteristics in Silicone Rubber Based Nanocomposite’, 2013 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Vol. 1, pp.498-501, Shengzen, Oct 2013. (Scopus)
- Mehranzamir K., Salimi B., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘Comparative study of lightning models with lightning discharges in Malaysia’, 2013 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Vol. 1, pp.1085-88, Shengzen, Oct 2013. (Scopus)
- Mehranzamir K., Salimi B., Abdul-Malek Z., Nabipour Afrouzi H., ‘Comparison of Captured Lightning Waveforms in Malaysia with Theoretical Models’, Proceedings of 48th International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference, Paper No.74, Ireland, Sep 2013.
- Mokhtari M., Abdul-Malek Z., ‘The Effects of Lightning Current Parameters on the Residual Voltage of ZnO Lightning Arrester with High Frequency Ground Model’, Proceedings of The 4th International Graduate Conference on Engineering & Humanity, pp. 156-9, Johor Bahru, Apr 2013.
- Talib, M.A., Muhamad, N.A., Malek Z.A.,Ghazali, A., Changes of PDC measurement pattern on services mineral oil filled power transformer after experienced faults, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 8th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, PEOCO 2014, pp. 291-296 (Scopus)
- Aulia, Arief Y.Z., Malek Z.A., Adzis Z., Muhamad N.A., Sidik, M.A.B., Nawawi Z., Development of Compact On-Line Partial Discharge Analyzer Assessing Nanocomposite Insulation Performance for Research Purpose, Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI 2014), Yogyakarta, 20-21 Aug 2014.
- Aulia, Arief Y.Z., Abdul-Malek Z., Muhamad N.A., Ahmad M. H., Makmud M.Z.H., Partial discharge monitoring technique for research purpose on solid insulating material, 2015 IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON), Pages: 106 – 111, DOI: 10.1109/CENCON.2015.7409522.
- Wooi C.L., Abdul-Malek Z., Ahmad N.A., Mokhtari M., Characteristic of preliminary breakdown preceding negative return stroke in Malaysia, 2015 IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON), Pages:112-115, DOI: 10.1109/CENCON.2015.7409523.
- Talib, M.A., Muhamad, N.A., Malek, Z.A., Fault classification in power transformer using polarization depolarization current analysis, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, 2015, October, pp. 983–986, 7295439.
- Bani, N.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Ahmad, H., Muhammad-Sukki, F., Mas’Ud, A.A., Characteristics of electroluminescence phenomenon in virgin and thermally aged LDPE, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1674, 020005.
- Abdul-Malek, Z., Khavari, A.H., Wooi, C.L., Moradi, M., Naderipour, A., A review of modeling ageing behavior and condition monitoring of zinc Oxide Surge Arrester, 2015 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development, SCOReD 2015, pp. 733-738, 2016.
- Wooi C.L., Abdul-Malek Z., Ahmad N.A., Zakaria Z., Ahmad M.R., Wavelet analysis of chaotic pulse trains prior to subsequent return strokes in Malaysia, 2016 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2016, DOI: 10.1109/ICLP.2016.7791496.
- Zakaria Z., Ahmad N.A., Wooi C.L., Esa M.R.M., Abdul-Malek Z., Wavelet analysis for negative return stroke and narrow bipolar pulses, 2016 33rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, ICLP 2016, DOI: 10.1109/ICLP.2016.7791410.
- Awang, N.A., Ahmad, M.H., Malek, Z.A., Sidik, M.A.B., Nawawi, Z., Jambak, M.I., Waldi, E.P., Aulia, AC breakdown strength enhancement of LDPE nanocomposites using atmospheric pressure plasma, ICECOS 2017 – Proceeding of 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Sustaining the Cultural Heritage Toward the Smart Environment for Better Future, 2017, pp. 290–294, 8167152.
- Novizon, Abdul-Malek Z., ’Electrical and temperature correlation to monitor fault condition of ZnO surge arrester,’ Proceedings – 2016 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering, ICITACEE 2016, 7892436, pp. 182-186 (2017).
- Mousa M.I., Abdul-Malek Z., Ibrahim V.M., Elgayar A.I., Nawawi Z., Sidik M.A.B., Jambak M.I., Evaluation and mitigation of underground gas pipeline coating stress due to nearby lightning stroke, 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS), pp. 275-279.
- Ibrahim V.M., Abdul-Malek Z., Muhamad N.A., Mousa M.I., Nawawi Z., Sidik M.A.B., Jambak M.I., Sulphur hexafluoride gas decomposition products of fixed metallic defect in coaxial gas insulated switchgear, 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS), pp. 270-274.
- Ibrahim V.M., Abdul-Malek Z., Muhamad N.A., Mousa M.I., Nawawi Z., Sidik M.A.B., Jambak M.I., Comparison of the effect of fixed metallic defects in coaxial gas insulated switchgear condition monitoring, 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS), pp. 264-269.
- Ibrahim V.M., Abdul-Malek Z., Muhamad N.A., Mousa M.I., Nawawi Z., Sidik M.A.B., Jambak M.I., The upshot of hybrid defects in coaxial gas insulated switchgear, 2017 International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems (ICHVEPS), pp. 344-349.
- Zakaria, I.H., Ahmad, M.H., Abdul-Malek, Z., Sidik, M.A.B., Nawawi, Z., Jambak, M.I., AC breakdown strength performance of plasma treated mineral oil-based nanofluids, ICECOS 2017 – Proceeding of 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Sustaining the Cultural Heritage Toward the Smart Environment for Better Future, 2017, pp. 333–337, 8167161.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Abohamzeh, E., Ramachandaramurthy, V.K., Miveh, M.R., Control strategy of Grid-Connected PV Inverters in Microgrid with Nonlinear Operating Conditions, 2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Power and Energy, PECon 2018, 2018, pp. 45–49, 8684119.
- Awang, N.A., Ahmad, M.H., Abdul-Malek, Z., Nawawi, Z., Sidik, M.A.B.S., Jambak, M.I., Aulia,, Waldi, E.P., Partial discharge and breakdown strength of plasma treated nanosilica/LDPE nanocomposites, International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI), 2018, 2018-October, pp. 391–394.
- Ramlee, N.A.B., Ahmad, N.A., Esa, M.R.M., Malek, Z.A., Adzis, Z.A., Nordeen, Z.A., Characteristics of positive lightning as observed in temperate and tropic regions: A review, Proceedings – 2018 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics: Toward the Most Efficient Way of Making and Dealing with Future Electrical Power System and Big Data Analysis, ICon EEI 2018, 2018, pp. 159–164, 8784317.
- Seah, B.Y., Ahmad, M.R., Shairi, N.A., Periannan, D., Sabri, M.H.M., Aziz, M.Z.A.A., Ismail, M.M., Esa, M.R.M., Mohammad, S.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Yusop, N., Cooray, V., Lu, G., The Performance Evaluation of Capacitive Antenna with Various Structures and Permittivity Values, Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ICECOS 2018, 2019, pp. 457–460, 8605184.
- Baharin, S.A.S., Ahmad, M.R., Periannan, D., Sabri, M.H.M., Seah, B.Y., Aziz, M.Z.A.A., Ismail, M.M., Esa, M.R.M., Mohammad, S.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Yusop, N., Cooray, V., Lu, G., Wavelet Analysis of the Onset of VHF and Microwave Radiation Emitted by Lightning, Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ICECOS 2018, 2019, pp. 297–300, 8605191.
- Ong, J.Y., Ahmad, M.R., Periannan, D., Sabri, M.H.M., Seah, B.Y., Aziz, M.Z.A.A., Ismail, M.M., Esa, M.R.M., Mohammad, S.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Yusop, N., Cooray, V., Lu, G., Performance Analysis of Stacked Capacitive Antenna for Lightning Remote Sensing, Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ICECOS 2018, 2019, pp. 305–308, 8605192.
- Sabri, M.H.M., Ahmad, M.R., Periannan, D., Seah, B.Y., Aziz, M.Z.A.A., Ismail, M.M., Esa, M.R.M., Mohammad, S.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Yusop, N., Cooray, V., Lu, G., VHF Emissions Prior to the Onset of Initial Electric Field Changes of Intracloud Flashes, Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ICECOS 2018, 2019, pp. 301–304, 8605235.
- Zikri, M., Sidik, M.A.B., Ahmad, M.R., Sabri, M.H.M., Periannan, D., Esa, M.R.M., Abdul-Malek, Z., Lu, G., Zhang, H., Evaluation of the Existence of Initial Breakdown Process for Cloud-to-Ground Flashes, Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ICECOS 2018, 2019, pp. 425–429, 8605182.
- Jambak, M.I., Mousa, M.I., Abdul-Malek, Z., Esa, M.R.M., Nawawi, Z., Sidik, M.A.B., Distance Effect on Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse over Lossy Ground, Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ICECOS 2018, 2019, pp. 281–286, 8605214.
- Wooi, C.-L., Abdul-Malek, Z., Rohani, M.N.K.H., Arshad, S.N.M., Yusof, A.M.B., Techniques for Analysis of Chaotic Pulse Trains Generated by Lightning: A Review, Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ICECOS 2018, 2019, pp. 259–264, 8605257.
- Othman, R., Abdul-Malek, Z., An Improved Circuit-Based Grounding Electrode Considering Frequency Dependence of Soil Parameters, Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ICECOS 2018, 2019, pp. 271–274, 8605248.
- Seah, B.Y., Ahmad, Ong, Y.J., Shairi, N.A., Periannan, D., Sabri, M.H.M., M.R., Esa, M.R.M., Abdul-Malek, Z., Mohamad, S.A., Aziz, M.Z.A.A., Yusop, N., Ismail, M.M., Lu, G., Cooray, V., Alkahtani, A.A., Kadir, M.Z.A.A., Evaluation of Air-Gap Stacked Capacitive Antennas for Lightning Remote Sensing, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 228(1), 012002.
- Periannan, D., Mohamad, S.A., Ahmad, M.R., Esa, M.R.M, Sabri, M.H.M., Seah, B.Y., Lu, G., Yusop, N., Ismail, M.M., Abdul-Malek, Z., Cooray, V., Alkahtani, A.A., Kadir, M.Z.A.A.B., Performance Analysis of Flame Retardant 4 Copper Plate Antenna for Lightning Remote Sensing, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 228(1), 012006.
- Azmi, A., Lau, K.Y., Ahmad, N.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Rahman, W.A., Thermal and Breakdown Properties of Polypropylene Homopolymer, Copolymer, and Blend, 2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Power and Energy, PECon 2018, 2019, pp. 107–110, 8684178.
- Chee, D.T.Y., Nabipour-Afrouzi, H., Abdul Malek, Z., Mehranzamir K., Ahmed, J., Kieh, T.S., Simulation and Analysis of Electric Field Distributions in Stator Bar Insulation System with Different Arrangement of Cavities, 2019 International UNIMAS STEM 12th Engineering Conference, EnCon 2019 – Proceedings, 2019, pp. 83–88, 8861258.
- Naderipour, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Ramachandaramurthy, V.K., Guerrero, J.M., Control method for three-phase grid-connected inverter PV system employing unity power factor (UPF) strategy in microgrid, E3S Web of Conferences, 2019, 115, 01006.
- Novizon, Ulfiah, S.A., Malek, Z.A., Syafii, Riska, N, Aulia, Darwison,The real-time condition monitoring system of gapless arrester based on ZigBee protocol and third harmonic leakage current as indicator parameters, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 602(1), 012006.
- Affan, M., Abdul-Malek, Z., Bakar Sidik, M.A., Ali, M., Esa, M.R.M., Nawawi, Z., Munir, A., Jambak, M.I., Design of Battery Balancing Unit of Satellite Using BQ77PL900, ICECOS 2019 – 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Proceeding, 2019, pp. 85–89, 8984482.
- Keriee, H., Abdul-Malek, Z., Nayyef, N.A.M., Jambak, M.I., Nawawi, Z., Mohd Esa, M.R., Sidik, M.A.B., Millimeter-Wave Bandpass Filter by Open Loop Elliptical Ring Resonators, ICECOS 2019 – 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Proceeding, 2019, pp. 90–92, 8984555.
- Mehranzamir, K., Afrouzi, H.N., Abdul-Malek, Z., Nawawi, Z., Bakar Sidik, M.A., Irfan Jambak, M., Hardware Installation of Lightning Locating System Using Time Difference of Arrival Method, ICECOS 2019 – 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Proceeding, 2019, pp. 29–34, 8984497.
- Awang, N.A., Ahmad, M.H., Malek, Z.A., Saman, N.M., Sidik, M.A.B., Jambak, M.I., Partial Discharge Characteristics of Low Density Polyethylene Nanocomposites Containing Plasma Treated Boron Nitride Nanofillers, ICECOS 2019 – 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Proceeding, 2019, pp. 50–55, 8984473.
- Mehranzamir, K., Afrouzi, H.N., Abdul-Malek, Z., Nawawi, Z., Sidik, M.A.B., Jambak, M.I., Hardware and Software Implementation of Magnetic Direction Finding Sensors, ICECOS 2019 – 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Proceeding, 2019, pp. 23–28, 8984532.
- Mehranzamir, K., Afrouzi, H.N., Abdul-Malek, Z., Nafea, M., Rufus, S.A., Detecting Sensor Coordination in a Calibrated Lightning Locating System, ICECOS 2019 – 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Proceeding, 2019, pp. 35–40, 8984443.
- Rufus, S.A., Ahmad, N.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Abdullah, N., Characteristics of Lightning Trends in Peninsular Malaysia from 2011 to 2016, ICECOS 2019 – 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Proceeding, 2019, pp. 15–18, 8984514.
- Chee, D.T.Y., Nabipour-Afrouzi, H., Malek, Z.A., Mehranzamir, K., Ahmed, J., Study of electric field distribution in the high voltage stator bar insulation in presence of different shapes, locations and sizes of cavities, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019, 2173, 020012.
- Johari, N.A., Lau, K.Y., Abdul-Malek, Z., Structure of Polypropylene-based Nanocomposites containing Calcium Zirconate, 2020 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development, SCOReD 2020, 2020, pp. 280–283, 9250932.
- Sazali, M.S., Wooi, C.L., Arshad, S.N.M., Wong, T.S., Abdul-Malek, Z., Nabipour-Afrouzi, H., Study of soil resistivity using wenner four pin method: Case study, PECon 2020 – 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, 2020, pp. 386–391, 9314400.
- Azmi, A., Lau, K.Y., Ahmad, N.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Tan, C.W., Ayop, R., Thermal and dielectric properties of thermally aged polypropylene/calcium carbonate nanocomposites, PECon 2020 – 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, 2020, pp. 255–258, 9314414.
- Azmi, A., Lau, K.Y., Ahmad, N.A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Tan, C.W., Ching, K.Y., Aging effects on thermal and dielectric properties of polypropylene/magnesium aluminate nanocomposites, PECon 2020 – 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, 2020, pp. 251–254, 9314448.
- Munir, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Ageing detection of metal oxide surge arrester using fifth harmonic resistive current, PECon 2020 – 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, 2020, pp. 382–385, 9314609.
- Othman, R., Abdul-Malek, Z., Jambak, M.I., Nawawi, Z., Sidik, M.A.B., Circuit-Based Model Grounding Electrode Considering Frequency Dependent of Soil Resistivity and Relative Permittivity, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2020, 619, pp. 87–92.