

  1. SKKK 4423 Kejuruteraan Tindakbalas Kimia, FKKKSA UTM.

  2. SKC 4213 Kejuruteraan Tindakbalas Kimia, FKKKSA UTM.

  3. SKKK 2213 Thermodinamik Kejuruteraan Kimia, FKKKSA UTM.

    • Session 2015/2016-2
  4. SKC 4761 Makmal Kejuruteraan Tindakbalas Kimia, FKKKSA UTM.

  5. DKK 2312 Sains Bahan dan Kakisan, FKKKSA UTM.

  6. DKK 3332 Teknologi Minyak Sayuran dan Oleokimia, FKKKSA UTM.

  7. DKK 3412 Kawalan Pencemaran, FKKKSA UTM.

  8. DKK 3412 Kawalan Pencemaran, SPACE UTM.

  9. Teaching Assistant Makmal Kimia Organik, Hokkaido University Japan.

  10. Teaching Assistant Makmal Kimia Organik, Hokkaido University Japan.

  11. Japanese Language, JAKRIS-FKKKSA UTM.

  12. Kursus Persediaan PTK Staf Sokongan, FKKKSA UTM.

  13. Penceramah Jemputan, Faculty of Science UTM.

  14. Ceramah Motivasi Murid-murid UPSR 2005, Sekolah Kebangsaan Melayu Raya, Pekan Nenas, Johor.

Teaching Portfolio

The purpose of this teaching portfolio is to document my teaching efforts and accomplishments so that I may continue to grow as an educator and scholar. This document should be considered as a snapshot of my teaching efforts to date and will continue to evolve as my career progresses. It is my hope that my portfolio will serve as a record of my teaching performance and as an aid for myself to reflect upon my teaching efforts. In addition, I hope that the portfolio will assist others who are reflecting on their own teaching efforts. Please contact me for detail content of my portfolio.

Last Updated ( Saturday, 19 July 2014 )