+6 07 553 86 86 arazin@utm.my
Radial Basis Function (RBF)

Radial Basis Function (RBF)

Radial Basis Function (RBF) The radial basis function (RBF), also known as the Radial Point Interpolation Method (RPIM), is a meshfree method used to construct an interpolated function to fit a curve. It uses a set of radial basis functions to interpolate between...
Point Interpolation Method (PIM)

Point Interpolation Method (PIM)

The point interpolation method (PIM) is a meshfree method used for fitting a curve based on a set of nodal values at specified locations. The PIM uses polynomial interpolation to fit the curve, and the number of polynomial terms required increases with the number of...
FEM Shape Function Generator – MATLAB CODE

FEM Shape Function Generator – MATLAB CODE

1D Shape Function clear, clcsyms xq = 2; %order of poly (eg. quad–> q=2)L = 1; %create ux = a1 + a2x + …A1 = []; A0 = []; %temporary variablesux = 0;for i = 1:q+1aN = [‘a’ num2str(i)];syms(aN);ux = ux + aN*x^(i-1);A0 =...
Library of Codes for Finite Elements

Library of Codes for Finite Elements

Bar | k1 = E*A/L * [1 -1 ; -1 1] r1 = [q*L/2 ; q*L/2] Beam | ka = 12*E*I/L^3 kb = 6*E*I/L^2 kc = 4*E*I/L kd = 2*E*I/L k1 = [ ka kb -ka kb; kb kc -kb kd; -ka -kb ka -kb; kb kd -kb kc] q1 = [q*L/2; q*L^2/12; q*L/2; -q*L^2/12] Truss |  c = cos(B); s = sin(B);k1 = E*A/L*...