My journey towards PE has been a long and tough one. It started in 2017 when I did my 12 months industrial attachment with Optimal Systems Engineering Sdn Bhd in Johor Bahru. My mentor was Prof. Ir. Dr. Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi (my best friend and colleague in UTM). After finishing the attachment it took me a while to register as a chartered engineer from Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) UK in 2020. I got the Chartered Engineer in November 2020 and then submitted my application to the Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM) for professional engineer (PE). I took the examination for code of ethics in February 2022 and got the official PE certification which entitled for an “Ir.” title in front of my name (woohoo!) in June 2022. Alhamdulillah.