The MJIIT iKohza Innovation Competition 2024 was a highly anticipated event held at the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) on 28th May 2024, in conjunction with Malaysia-Japan Industrial and Innovation Expo (MJIIX) 2024. This competition aimed at showcasing the creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial skills of the iKohza members in MJIIT. Participation was open to all 20 iKohzas and 2 research centres at MJIIT, encouraging them to develop and present unique, marketable products. The competition this year drew 13 entries/teams from 12 iKohzas, reflecting the vibrant and innovative spirit among the faculty members.
The champion was the Malaysia-Japan Advanced Research Centre (MJARC) with their project titled “Waste to Feed: Conversion of Banana Peels to Ruminant Feed Using Subcritical Water Technology,” earning them a RM1,500 cash prize and a certificate of achievement. The first runner-up was Shizen Conversion and Separation Technology (SHIZEN / CLEAR) for their project “Precise Thermophysical Properties and Phase Equilibrium (VLE, LLE, and SLE) Data for Design of Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering,” receiving a RM1,000 cash prize and a certificate of achievement. The second runner-up was Tribology and Precision Machining (Tri Prem) with their project “Gliding Our Waste into a Sustainable Future,” which garnered a RM500 cash prize and a certificate of achievement.