Category Archives: Teaching

What is MOOC?

MOOC is an open learning website for teaching and learning. It is open for anyone who are interested to learn the course conducted by the lecturer or instructor. UTM-MOOC has been set up for courses from UTM lecturers who wanted to conduct the course to students inside and outside of UTM. There are quite a number of available courses that use MOOC for T&L. They can even transfer credit (must be certified by MQA).


Active Learning in Classroom

So… What is active learning?

The term active learning “was introduced by the English scholar R W Revans (1907-2003).” [1] Bonwell (1991) “states that in active learning, students participate in the process and students participate when they are doing something besides passively listening.” (Weltman, p.7) Active learning is “a method of learning in which students are actively or experientially involved in the learning process and where there are different levels of active learning, depending on student involvement.”(Weltman, p.8) It is a model of instruction that focuses the responsibility of learning on learners. It was popularized in the 1990s by its appearance on the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) report (Bonwell & Eison 1991). In this report they discuss a variety of methodologies for promoting “active learning”. They cite literature which indicates that to learn, students must do more than just listen: They must read, write, discuss, or be engaged in solving problems. It relates to the three learning domains referred to as knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA), and that this taxonomy of learning behaviours can be thought of as “the goals of the learning process” (Bloom, 1956). In particular, students must engage in such higher-order thinking tasks as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.[2] Active learning engages students in two aspects – doing things and thinking about the things they are doing (Bonwell and Eison, 1991). (Source: wikipedia)

This semester for Biotechnology class, I am adapting active learning for the teaching method.

Students are given tasks in group and they have to discuss about the given topic. At the end of the class they will present their group’s findings.

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Workshop on “An Introduction to Responsible Conduct in Research”

10th – 11th August  – A workshop on “An Introduction to Responsible Conduct in Research” organized by Akademi Sains Malaysia and US National Academy of Science was held at the MARTRADE Tower Kuala Lumpur. The workshop was handled by professional facilitators from US National Academy of Sciences; Dr. Alistair Hay, Dr. Elizabeth Heitman, Dr. James Stith, Dr. Lida Anestidou and Dr. Jay Labov. The participants were introduced to several case studies involving responsible conduct in research, various methods on teaching (active learning, etc) and we were given opportunities to discuss in the group and present our ideas.



Biotechnology Poster Presentation

28th May 2015

Final year students 4SKKK and 4SKKB have done a good job in their poster presentation for Biotechnology class. In total of 32 groups (with 32 different topics), they have managed to explain what biotechnology is in various applications. These are some of the photos from the event.

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