15 OCT 2021 The role of probiotics in immunomodulation against Covid-19 infection by AP Dr. Nehal

5 May 2021 – Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD) has organized a webinar series with a topic of “Functional food and food industry: new consumer insight”. The panels are PM Dr. Dayang Norulfairuz Abang Zaidel, Dr. Nor Hasmaliana Abdul Manas and Ts. Dr. Noorazwani Zainol. The recorded session can be viewed at Facebook Institute of Bioproduct Development (https://fb.watch/5hQRMGh-Vi/).
A half day publication Workshop, instructed by Assoc. Prof. Dr Chua Lee Suan and Assoc. Prof. Dr Dayang Norulfairuz Abang Zaidel was held successfully on Sunday, 25th April 2021 at Jasmine Room, IBD. This interactive half-day workshop was organized to demystify the writing process and teach the fundamentals of effective scientific writing to young researchers at IBD.