Bila anda dimarahi Bos

Siri Mesej Integriti kali ini ingin berkongsi dengan semua warga UTM berkenaan cara menangani bos yang dirasakan suka maki hamun dan menjerit pada staf. Pernah tak anda semua menghadapi perkara sebegini? Masuk sahaja ke pejabat pasti ada sahaja keadaan yang mana kita...

Snipping Tool : Easy screen capture

Previously, if you want to capture a screen (or do a screenshot), you do it the hard way. You click the Print Screen button and them paste it into say MSPaint or the likes. Then you crop what you want from the whole screen pictured. Snipping Tool, in my opinion, is...

Goodbye friends, you will be missed.

Last year two good people left our department and their departure was felt by all. These were good people with good heart and good character. The first was Dr Yahaya Coulibaly. He is a very calm person with a big heart. He works hard, cares for people, very helpful...