Appointment Etiquette

Etiquette is the code of polite behavior in society or particular professional settings. Communication between a lecturer and a student falls into this ‘particular professional setting’. Be it in the classroom or a one-to-one meeting in the office,...

Lecturer Teaching Evaluation: Pt2

Continuing from Part 1 of our Lecturer Teaching Evaluation (LTE) discussion. Here are some ‘insights’ I received from informal talks with my students and my observation. Some students feared that lecturers may penalize them for giving a bad mark. I...

Lecturer Teaching Evaluation: Pt1

Lecturer Teaching Evaluation (LTE) or Penilaian Pengajaran Pensyarah is an online based survey of sorts where students answer a range of questions to evaluate their lecturer’s teaching _______ (ability/effectiveness/kindness/failure/malleability) – fill in...

What is academia today?

I stumbled into these two images today and they spoke to me. Not literally but figuratively, and it spoke volumes. Image A (source )   This one spoke to me because of the ‘business’ that is education in our nation today. Students pay a lot, especially...

A new beginning

Today is the day where we in UTM welcome our new addition in the forms of undergraduate and postgraduate students. This day marks the first day of a more challenging and higher aspects of learning and education. Welcome and good luck! Proud parents flock eagerly for...

Who you gonna call? System Admin.

Every system designed and developed will have an administrator. What is his job? Well, simply put, it is to administer service. To make sure that the systems is running well from every point that he can handle. These include ensuring the users are activated, resources...