Switching from Industry to Government; then from Government to Academia

Transitioning from industry to government and then from government to academia can be a challenging but rewarding path at the end of the day. Please bare in mind, these transitions may require patience, persistence, and continuous learning.

“Leveraging your existing experience, skills, and networks can greatly facilitate your journey from industry to government and then from government to academia.”

As an academician, you can’t escape from roles and responsibilities as a teacher, researcher, consultant, supervisor and even a writer. To become a good academician, it involves a combination of qualities, skills, and practices. Indeed, you have to develop a deep understanding of your field of study/expertise, have a great passionate about teaching, and good networking with the government agencies and industry players to leverage inter- and multi- disciplinary collaborations.

“Bridging the gap between research and practice will require what some organizational change experts call knowledge activation.”
Just a self-reminder to me myself, being a good academician is a lifelong journey of learning, growth, and contribution to knowledge and education. Continuously strive for excellence, embrace new

About kelvin

Kelvin Kang Wee, TANG received his B. Eng. (Geomatic) (Hons.) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Master of Remote Sensing & GIS from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He completed his Ph.D (Hydrography) from UTM in April 2021. Apparently, he is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UTM. His area of interest is in marine positioning, hydrographic surveying, hydrospatial management and imagery-derive bathymetry using satellite remote sensing approach.
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